Sunday, October 11, 2015


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Alex Lam, J.Arie, Gordon Lam
The team has a little fun
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The film GET OUTTA HERE (SEI HOI DI LA)'s producer Gordon Lam Ka Tung yesterday led actors Alex Lam Tak Shun, J.Arie (Lui Sum Yu) and Gregory Rivers (Hor Kwok Wing) for a cinema event. Ka Tung admitted that the new film received good reviews, but the box office performance was only average. Now he was negotiating with cinemas to fight for better show times and numbers. Will he "skinny dip" to pump up the box office? Ka Tung joked, "No, GET OUTTA HERE doesn't need skinny dipping. (Any gimmick for Halloween?) Demolition, demolishing my own home."

Alex and J.Arie both said that they could book shows to watch the film. J. Arie said that recently she received the good news from several cinemas that they were sold out. "The director even said that it was a 'big miracle day'!" Alex was very happy to receive praises from film critics about his acting. Two nights ago he revealed that the cinematographer of the film was the same one from his father George Lam Chi Cheung's film (A BITE OF LOVE). "Daddy after watching the film gave me three words, 'You did well'."

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