Korea's tragedy hunk So Ji-Sub and nice girl Ruby Lin (Lam Sum Yu) changed their image in SOPHIE'S REVENGE. So Ji-Sub even performed topless for Zhang Ziyi.
In the film So Ji-Sub was the man who Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi fought over. Although they had a language barrier, Ziyi appreciated So Ji-Sub's professionalism. "Originally we arranged for dubbing for his character, but he wanted to personally deliver the lines. Finally we arranged for a Putonghua tutor for him on the set and he learned word by word." In addition, So Ji-Sub generously performed topless. Did Ziyi fall under his charm during the shoot? She said without any bias. "In the film (Peter) Ho Yun Tung and I once were rivals. He and So Ji-Sub both are very handsome, both are very humorous. Anyone who is with them will be very happy."
Aside from So Ji-Sub, Lam Sum Yau also gave a first performance to Ziyi as a wild girl. Her costume was particularly sexy. Sum Yu revealed that this wild girl felt very fresh and even surprised herself. "I never cut my hair so short, not to mention the exaggerated big gold earrings, black nail polish, and low cut tight clothes. To me it truly is a break through. That day after the costume fitting I was surprised." Even Zhang Ziyi revealed that she did not recognize Sum Yu on the set. She said, "In one scene I had a bar fantasy, a couple was in the back. At play back I asked how great was the couple in the back, the director laughed and told me that was Sum Yu. Wow! I really couldn't tell, I was very surprised!"
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