Monday, August 19, 2024


Chin Siu Ho (left) and Yeung Yuk Mui (right) recently cooked on a live stream broadcast together, and the former's condition became the focus of internet. (online picture)

Anthony Wong sends his well wishes to his classmate over the internet
courtesy of

The 61-year-old actor and action director Chin Siu Ho has become extremely thin in recent years, causing the outside world to be concerned about his health. Chin Siu Ho recently had a live broadcast with Yeung YuK Mui. Although he was thin, he was in good spirits. The two cooked together, talked and laughed, and even chatted with fans. However, people online focused on Chin Siu Ho's skinny figure and told him to take care of himself.

Anthony Wong Chau Sun was also concerned about Chin Siu Ho's physical condition. He recently posted on social media, "Brother Ka Wa (Chin Siu Ho's original name was Chin Ka Wa), maybe you can't see my blessings, but I hope everything is well with you and you are in good health. I still remember when my boxing training days. Take care of yourself!" Chn Siu Ho replied to Wong Chau Sun's post. "Actually, Wong Chau Sun and I have known each other since childhood! We were classmates and brothers. I went to fight in the ring when I was 14, Chau Sun came over at 7 AM to give me a comic book about fighting in the ring. It is still fresh in my memory! We just never talk about it!"

Chin Siu Ho once said that his weight plummeted by 40 pounds from the peak, and he only weighed 140 pounds. He explained that he was infected with the novel coronavirus twice and lost his sense of taste. He was living in a quarantine hotel at the time; because the food did not suit his appetite, he ate less. His appetite became smaller and his back trouble recurred, so he got thinner and thinner. He has been actively looking for ways to gain weight. There were rumors that he had out-of-control diabetes and whether he had cancer. Chin Siu Ho denied everything, saying that it was actually he had high cholesterol and blood pressure, two polyps in the large intestine, Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach, mild glaucoma, etc. His hairstylist has previously discovered that his scalp had dark spots, so he shaved his head and took tissue samples for testing. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

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