Monday, January 13, 2014


Stephy Tang
Bosco Wong, Zhao Rong
courtesy of

Rumored to be secretly married to Alex Fong Lik Sun, Stephy Tang Lai Yun has been working with Bosco Wong Chung Chak on a new film recently. Two nights ago around 10AM, they and Miss Guangzhou Zhao Rong worked on location at Central. In the scene Stephy ran into Wong Chung Chak on a date with Zhao Rong and became depressed. On the set early to prepare, Wong Chung Chak was in good spirits as he often chatted and laughed with the crew. Stephy who arrived later looked bitter, seemingly she was cultivating her mood.

When the shoot officially began, she looked like she was about to cry but had no tear. After half a hour the director already accepted the take. She and Wong Chung Chak immediately returned to the restaurant to rest.

Wong Chung Chak yesterday attended a Lunar New Year event with Rose Chan Ka Wun. When Bosco presented lai see to her, Rose politely accepted it with both hands. Bosco suddenly turned his head and screamed, "Don't bend down"! Later he said that it was embarrassing. Reporters joked that he has "seen everything". He said, "I shouldn't look." Lately they have been working on the new film NAM YUN NG HOR YI KUN. Rose was even caught with a push up look. Bosco said, "That day she was at work. Aside from the director asking me to look, I didn't dare to look at her. Now during the interview I don't dare to look down at a 45 degree."

As for love, Bosco asked if anyone had any good recommendation. "I want an independent, smart woman who doesn't need to be kept." Rose joked, "I definitely am not right for you, let me help you find her." When Bosco was asked if Rose was a suitable choice, Rose answered, "She doesn't want to babysit. (Do you need to be babysat?) People mistook me for being a little girl. Even you (Bosco) kept saying that you want to give me a snack. (Isn't Bosco taking you to dinner a date?) No, the entire team knows I like to eat."

Although Bosco admitted that she was like a child, he praised Rose for eating without a care and not gaining any weight. "Very few girls don't lose weight." He even revealed, "One day on the set we were waiting for the shoot, she suddenly said, 'You have been emptied for awhile'. When I heard this new term I thought it was pretty cute. (Do you have any spark?) Our acting has spark."

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