In LITTLE BIG SOLDIER (DAI BING SIU JEUNG) Jackie Chan and Wang Leehom played high ranking and low ranking soldiers. When they mentioned memorable production experience they both agreed it was a wet scene.
Wang Leehom was wet from morning to night, he was so cold that he was crying for help. He was even tied up on a slope, a single misstep he would have slid down. During the shoot he used all of his energy to steady himself in order to keep himself from falling. After this scene he was exhausted. As for Jackie Chan he said that the wet and the cold were no problem. The worst part was all the climbing in the wet costumes. Jackie Chan said that his costume was as heavy as a cotton coat. After getting wet and along with the weight of the armor it was already several dozen pounds. He also had to drag Wang Leehom all over the hills, which had him in quite a tight spot. The film was shot in Yunnan. Jackie Chan protected the environment and during the shoot he kept reminding everyone to keep the area clean. After the wet scene the crew also cleaned up to avoid destroying the environment.
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