Thursday, June 27, 2024


Jennifer Yu and Fish Liew witness each other's growth and are very close

Jennifer Yu indirectly urges Fish Liew to wed
courtesy of

The friendship between Best Actress Jennifer Yu Heung Ying and her best friend Fish Liew Chi Yu has gone through 12 years. They have long been best friends who talk about everything, and both have developed well in the film industry. Speaking of ascending to the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress this year, Yu Heung Ying reveals that she has broken down when the pressure has reached the boiling pot. Luckily she has the full support of her husband. She also reveals that she missed the opportunity to have a destination wedding back then, so she hopes that Fish could realize her dream for her.

Yu Heung Ying and her friend Fish have witnessed each other's growth and ups and downs, and it is rare for them to confide in each other unscrupulously and show each other their weakest side. When it comes to relationships, Fish reveals that her good friend is already an "early marriageist" after making her debut. Yu Heung Ying also admits, "I have long been eager to have a home, I was already thinking about this thing called marriage in my teens. When I got married, I was already later than I expected!"

In April this year, the 30-year-old Yu Heung Ying ascended to the throne of the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress. In order to find a balance between career and family, pressure inevitably would reach a boiling point. She admits that she did have a time when she was emotionally out of control. "One day I felt very tired. In the taxi I suddenly broke into tears, then I called my husband to thank him. When he heard my voice he asked what I was doing, I said thank you for always supporting me!" In order to be a competent mother, no matter how busy she is at work, she insists on sending her elder daughter to school every morning. In addition she strives for family happiness whenever she has time. Luckily she has an attentive husband behind her. "When I go to shoot something, I need him to help with the two children. When I confided in my husband about this topic, and he replied to me without hesitation: 'Of course you charge, if you don't charge now when would you charge?'"

Seeing that his friend with a happy family after entering the industry, Fish also "has not missed out" and met her artist boyfriend Siuyea Lo Chun Yip. They have been dating for several years in a low-key yet stable relationship; but when it comes to the marriage date, she actually jokes, "We have discussed this problem, but I don't have any plan in this area for the time being. (What about having a baby?) I'm afraid that if I don't I will regret it in the future, waking up in the middle of the night to ask myself why didn't I have one? (Does your boyfriend like children?) He's fine, but I may not marry him. Life has a lot of variables, haha!"

It is said that Yu Heung Ying has always longed for a destination wedding, but when she got married she was delayed by the epidemic. She still feels that it is a regret in her life, no wonder when it comes to the topic of "marriage", she tries her best to persuade Fish to "realize her dream" instead of herself. Fish smiled and said: "Is it okay to bring you too then? Or I'll go back to Malaysia for a wedding! I remember that day when you got married, I was so moved, especially because you gave me lai see with a note in it. I have put it away in the house as a memento. I vaguely remember you writing, 'I hope you are happy too, you are a big girl now, be sensible!' In terms of age you are younger than me, but I feel you're like the older sister at that moment."

Speaking of their forced "breakup" in recent years and the lack of opportunity to meet again, Fish says, "It seems that after SISTERHOOD (GWUT MUI) we haven't had much chance to work together, then of course I want to work together again! (which genre movie would you want to make?) Romance or comedy." Yu Heung Ying immediately laughs and points out that her friend can actually be a screenwriter: "She has a lot of strange ideas, always with some magical ideas. Once when a friend is suspicious about breaking up, she immediately says a lot that she has imagined out of the blue, which cracks everyone up immediately!"

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