Thursday, October 3, 2024


Fish Liew was so scared from being hung in the air that she got choked up and couldn't stop her tears afterwards.

Louise Wong overcame psychological difficulties and boldly struck a superhuman pose.

Lokman Yeung and Fish Liew performed together, bringing freshness to the audience.
courtesy of

Hanging in the air, Fish Liew cried so much that her tears were like rain.
courtesy of

Fish Liew (left) was unable to move forward as her entire body trembled on the rope formation. She was so scared that she cried in mid-air, and she remained upset after returning on the ground (right).

Louise Wong easily passed and even struck a superman pose

Dee Ho, Jeffrey Ngai, Locker Lam and Leung Chung Hang kept cheering on Fish Liew
courtesy of

Hong Kong's first radiation disaster film CESIUM FALLOUT (FUN SUN) starring Andy Lau Tak Wa and Karen Mok Man Wai will open on November 1st; the Hong Kong edition poster and production special "Heavy Training" also appeared yesterday.

The latest production special, "Heavy Training", focused on the actors who played firefighters. Winner of the breakthrough actor of the year at the Chinese TV Dramas Annual Ceremony last year, Bai Yu teamed up with Golden Horse Best Actor Gardner Tse Kwan Ho and led a group of new-generation actors Louise Wong Dan Nei, Fish Liew Chi Yu, Dee Ho Kai Wa, Jeffrey Ngai Chun Sun, Leung Chung Hang, Locker Lam Ka Hei, Wesley Wong Hoi Kit and others into the fire to form the strongest team of enthusiastic firefighters. In the production special, the rigorous training each person received before filming was showcased; striving to present the true face of firefighting work, they have undergone a condensed version of the "fire intensive reading class", such as learning to wear "golden armors", operate blasting tools, and master various professional terminology and gestures. In addition to the technical challenges, the group also has to develop team spirit through physical training.

One of the most stressful was the mid-air ropes training, where a group of actors were taken to the rooftop of a over 20-story building in preparation for challenging themselves in a rope array. Tse Kwan Ho volunteer to be a photographer and was eventually exempted from training. He quipped, "I am supporting them from below, haha! I am a photographer, so I should hide behind the camera."

Taking the challenge first, Jeffrey was already very frightened when he watched the coach's demonstration. He exclaimed, "It's not regular difficulty." Although there were safety measures in place for the ropes, the distance from the rope array to the ground was more than 20 stories high, and everyone at the scene held their breath. In the end Jeffrey successfully completed the challenge, cheered loudly and said, "I want to vomit a little. I really regretted it halfway up, and I almost wanted to give up."

Dee even jokingly asked, "Can't I skip this?" He kept encouraging himself, "I am really not scared......" Although he joked that he wanted to give up midway, he still insisted on completing the challenge. Leung Chung Hang said that he has never played this kind of high-altitude activity. Although he felt apprehensive, he successfully completed it. With excellent athletic genes, Wesley completed the challenge at will with ease, and his vigorous posture even drew applause. Meanwhile, Locker was very calm and confident.

Louise had to overcome psychological obstacles before the challenge, "Actually I am afraid of heights, even on drop tower rides I get scared." With the advantage of her long hands and feet she successfully completed the challenge; she even made a superhuman pose in mid-air, which was quite imposing. However her good sister Fish did not do as well. She normally would not even dare to ride the Ferris wheel. Fish kept trembling on the rope formation; unable to move forward, she was so scared that she even cried in mid-air. She later recalled, "I thought whether I would die there, my entire body was shaking. When I saw everyone looking at me, I felt so embarrassed; but when I saw everyone cheering me on, I also felt a kind of team spirit."

After finishing, Louise continued to comfort Fish and offered to accompany her to complete the challenge together. Finally the two supported each other to pass the test smoothly. Fish said, "After finishing this I seem to be able to do anything, and I have established a bond of mutual trust with Louise!"

After the high-altitude training, producer Bill Kong Chi Keung also arranged for an outdoor barbecue and group games to further deepen the chemistry and trust between the actors; so that everyone could create a friendship of risking their lives for each other on and off screen.

In addition, the Fish and MIRROR captain Lokman starred new drama recently aired, and the first time the two met was actually at a movie premiere. Fish joked that this encounter was similar to the script. "We met by chance more than ten years ago, but we didn't have the opportunity to get to know each other. The series sums up the understanding of life for the 30 something set like us."

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