Monday, October 14, 2024


Jeffrey Ngai and Gardner Tse work together on a movie for the first time. Jeffre takes the opportunity to get advice from the elder

Louise Wong jokes that everyday after the shoot her shoes are full of sweat
courtesy of

Gardner Tse has nothing but praise for Jeffrey Ngai and even personally teaches him acting

Fish Liew, Louise Wong and Leung Chung Hang play firefighters in CESIUM FALLOUT

Gardner Tse and Jeffrey Ngai are like father and son on and off screen

Louise Wong plays a senior fire captain, putting on an oxygen tank and running into a fire rescue

Andy Lau plays an environmental protection expert who has cancer due to radiation
courtesy of

The movie CESIUM FALLOUT (FUN SING) told the story of how a group of heroic firefighters fought the fire and saved people under the threat of radiation. The scenes were both shocking and touching. In the film Gardner Tse Kwan Ho (Brother Ho), Jeffrey Ngai Chun Sun, Louise Wong Dan Nei, Fish Liew Chi Yu and Leung Chung Hang were on the same elite firefighting team. Tse Kwan Ho played a firefighter who was about to retire. This time he worked with a group of young people and Brother Ho was very happy. He said that the team first arranged for them to "team-build" before filming. The group, like going to training camp, first started playing volleyball and campfire party to get to know and connect with each other. There everyone were able introduce themselves and communicate with each other, then they moved to the fire station for training. Brother Ho wore the golden armor despite the scorching heat, walking so fast with an oxygen tank like he was flying. His physical fitness was better than the younger guys. He praised Ngai Chun Sun for being smart, humble, polite, and eagar to ask questions. The two of them were very compatible.

Brother Ho said with a smile that the training was not too strenuous. Even when he had to wear the golden armor, a radiation-proof robe, and even an oxygen tank he was able to take it. "However it was a bit hard at the beginning, especially when I had to roll up the fire hose. After I finished rolling it, I sat down and felt like vomiting. I was so hot and dehydrated that I almost went into shock!" They had many scenes in and out of fires. Brother Ho said that only some of them used real fire, and the raging fires, explosions, the burning following the camera would not be too close. Before entering the fire scene, they must also take adequate safety measures; but they would feel the heat at the fire scene. When fighting the fire, it would burn in front of them. Just the the super explosive scene and the crushing container scene were computer generated special effects.

Playing the role of a firefighter for the first time, Jeffrey found it very interesting. In one of the scenes an explosion took place on several floors of containers, His life was saved thanks to Brother Ho pulling a rope, but he had to hang upside down for a long time and felt like blood was rushing to his head. "For the scene I hung upside down for 45 minutes. Of course I was pulled up in the middle, and I wasn't even very scared with the wires. At that time I was focused on the performance and the filming was going smoothly, but my fire helmet fell off and covered up my face so the scene had to shot again. Actually my appearance doesn't really matter to me!" Brother Ho immediately scolded him and said that since he was the appearance asset his face was very important. Jeffrey said frankly that he used to do comedies, this was his first serious drama and he was lucky enough to meet Brother Ho. "I particularly admire Brother Ho. Everyone with golden armors were so heavy and stuffy. Everyone after wearing them for 20 minutes had to remove them to breathe a little then took our places again, but Brother Ho moved so quickly and ran so fast with the oxygen bottle on his back. I have been working out at the gym, but when I saw him even I was like, 'Wow' and thought he was so awesome!" Brother Ho said modestly, "I too have been working out. Earlier I also have had training because the shoot was really exhausting, I spent several months shooting at the container yard and recycling yard during the hottest period." Brother Ho also returned the favor andd praise Jeffrey for being very sharp for his age. Since the two of them had the most scenes opposite each other, they were arranged to do "team building" together and began to introduce themselves to each other. Brother Ho said, "I tried my best to talk about my resume as briefly as possible, and we got to know each other gradually. He was great at chatting, so it's easy to get along." Jeffrey also said with a smile that he introduced himself, "Brother Ho is the same age as my old man, he is very approachable. When you really want to ask a question seriously, Brother Ho is also very serious to answer you. I had a crying scene and I asked him for advice, he spent 45 minutes talking to me on the phone in great detail." To be able to have a drama lesson with Brother Ho, he stated that he made a huge profit. Brother Ho also said that Jeffrey really liked to ask questions and talk to people. Seeing that he was so smart, he helped him. "I saw that he was very good friends with other seniors, he could really BS!" Jeffrey explained that firefighting was about teamwork, it would be better if everyone got to know each other a little better. Brother Ho agreed that their team spirit was not "acted", "It was all thanks to the early 'team building' process and all the BS during the shoot, we BS'ed everyday until dark. We talked about anything and everything." Did Jeffrey talk about girls? They all said in unison that they only talked about "Sun Yat-sen".

Speaking of the three firefighters Tse Kwan Ho, Bai Yu and Jeffrey's fate at the end of the film, Brother Ho said that when he first read the script, he questioned whether it was necessary. However he asked real firefighters, who also said that if this happened they would all really stepped in to help because this is really the spirit of a firefighter. Brother Ho also explained, "In the end, even Jeffrey stepped in to help. In the scene he didn't even know that his fate would be certain, so it makes sense."

Wong Dan Nei said that in the film she plays a female firefighter, she had to have the same physical fitness as the boys. Thus she had to work hard. She previously participated in the crew arranged "team building". In addition to playing volleyball, she also went to the fire station to receive special training and lessons on using firefighting tools. They practiced for about a month. She revealed that she had to leap out when filming the explosion scene. Because her character was an officer and her persobalithy also refused to admit defeat, when she saw everyone in heavy equipment running and jumping, she had to be able do it too. Of course she was injured and bruised. Wong Dan Nei recalled a scene in which a container exploded as she climbed down a rope, and she was terrified. "During the explosion I was holding a rope and had to swing out and back again. I had to muster up my courage to react. In fact, it was so scary and I had to overcome the fear."

Leung Chung Hang said that it is indeed difficult to run wearing the golden armor, but his physical fitness has improved after doing it everyday. Among the male firefighters, he was the only one who has to learn to open a street well, which was also difficult and required physical strength. It also required skills. At first I was frightened and I did not know if I could do it. I was even hoisted up to the third floor. Fortunately I was able to overcome it in the end. Leung Chung Hang pointed out that in fact, the fire scene was shot with half-real and half-fake fire, but it was not as dangerous as he thought. However because it was filmed in midsummer, he felt bloated when he started working and felt shrunken by the end of the day. Wong Dan Nei joked that once after filming she was able to pour out the sweat by removing her shoes. Leung Chung Hang said that one day he wore an oxygen mask and an oxygen bottle for an all day real fire shoot. He felt a little dizzy and unwell, and the another firefighter Wesley Wong Hoi Kit even suffered from heat stroke.

When Liew Chi Yu first took the script, she thought that playing the role of a firefighter would be great for her to be stylish and cool, and she could take this opportunity for her muscle training. However because in the film she ended up playing desk job firefighter, she did not have the opportunity to enter a fire scene in the film. She did not have to participate in the training; but when she only played on high altitude rope training in a team-building game, she was so scared that she cried. She chuckled bitterly and said, "I am afraid of heights. The high-altitude rope training was conducted on a rooftop more than ten stories high that required climbing two or three more stories. Everyone had to. I saw Wong Dan Nei climb so fast and so quickly so I went up!" Wong Dan Nei said with a smile, "I was actually very surprised, but I wanted to show that I was Madam so I climbed up quickly. Everyone thought I was so relaxed." Fish said with lingering fear, "I thought at the time, we are both girls so there should be no problem. When I got up the stairs, I had to climb down the rope. When I stepped over, I felt that something was wrong. I thought to myself this time I can't do it! My life was over, but everyone said below, "You can do it" so I climbed over the two ropes amid the encouragement." Fish said that after seeing the finished product, she really wanted to try to be a firefighter because you only live once. She really wanted to rush into the fire, and the feeling would be so heroic.

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