Friday, December 6, 2013


Anthony Wong, Leung Siu Lung, Film Advertisement Artist Chow Keung, Chan Koon Tai
courtesy of

Anthony Wong Chau Sun yesterday attended the Hong Kong Film Archive's Down Memory Lane: Movie Theatres of the Olden Days exhibit. Chau Sun wanted to run for the Performing Artist Guild chair. He admitted that he was almost done with his staff planning. "I don't know if I will have any competition, if I will it will be the best for me to concede. This position has no money and plenty of trouble, you also get yelled at!" He has already gotten an understanding of the Guild condition and structure from former chair Eric Tsang Chi. Was he worried that the PAG would be considered having political orientation? Chau Sun said, "The Guild only does what it should, it's not political so I am not worried." Chau Sun felt that the PAG had a lot left to do. If he will be elected, his first task would be recruiting even more members.

Chen Kuan Tai supported Chau Sun to be the chair. "He is my junior colleague. Although he is direct and may make others misunderstand him, he is a good person. I hope after he will be elected he will bring even more fairness and eliminate some show business hidden rules." Chen Kuan Tai is busy with a Kung Fu Dictionary DVD production, which will preserve and pass on each style of kung fu.

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