courtesy of on.cc

Recently a magazine reported that Mainland female star Leni Lan Yin who just came to Hong Kong to work on the first 3D category III film 3D SEX AND ZEN: EXTREME ECSTASY (3D YUK PO TUEN ji GIK LOK BO GAM) revealed her relationship with director Stanley Tong Kwai Lai and even had relations in his Shanghai home. The content was very daring and explicit.
Yesterday Tong Kwai Lai finally broke his silence and issued a statement to the media. Although he admitted that he knew Lan Yin, they have not seen each other in years. They also had no romance between them. The report was very surprising to him. Since he felt that it has caused quite an effect on his personal reputation, he has already handed the matter over to his lawyer to handle with legal procedures. At the same time ha also publicized the message that Lan Yin sent him after the report came out. In it Lan Yin not only beg him not to be mad but also that the reporter made up the report.
Tong Kwai Lai's statement in its entirety is as below. "Recently some Hong Kong media called in regards to a report about me. I was very surprised. Then on August 17 2010 at 1:02 I received a message from Lan Yin, below is the message in its entirety. 'The reporter made it up! For film promotion, the company arranged for me to pose for some sexy photos and to promote with the second lead actor in the film. However the report didn't include my sexy photos from last time, instead it added some personal stuff. After the photo shoot, that girl (referring to the
reporter) asked me about my most memorable relationship, and all I said was a past romance with a director was very unforgettable! I too just finished reading this report! As you know, they belong to Emperor's magazine. Because I am no longer under its contract they wrote about me like that! Don't be mad!'
Years ago at a friend's party I met Lan Yin, we never had any romance and have not seen each other for years. I lament that the media before contacting me to confirm the story published such an untrue report that has had quite an effect on my personal reputation. I have already
turned the matter over to my lawyer to handle according to legal procedures, as I do not want to cooperate with speculation."
In addition, Tong Kwai Lai last night mentioned the report again on TVB Entertainment News. "At first I felt it was very absurd, very surprising that someone can write such an untrue report. Thus I felt I had to issue a statement to clarify. (What effect has the report have on you?) Many friends called to console me. My family also asked why this happened. It had quite an impact on life and work, it is very baffling so I will take legal action to clear my name. (Has it caused any harassment?) Something similar has happened before, finally I spent several years on lawsuits and finally I won. Even so and they made the clarification, the years in between I had no way to clear my name and it was very unfair. Thus this type of promotion and speculation methods is very indecent." He also said that he chose to take legal action in order
to clear his name and at the same time the people who made up the speculation would receive legal sanctions.
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