Thursday, June 8, 2023


Angela Yuen, Chrissie Chau, Louis Koo, Louise Wong and Fish Liew

Chrissie Chau

Angela Yuen
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Louis Koo has been much thinner from working on fight scenes in the heat

Angela Yuen and Chrissie Chau

Fish Liew suffers a sprain on her right leg and appears with a cane
courtesy of

Louis Koo Tin Lok, Chrissie Chau Sau Na, Angela Yuen Lai Lam, Fish Liew Chi Yu and Louise Wong Dan Nei yesterday attended an event. Yuen Lai Lam joked that she has already done her best to achieve cleavage. She said that she has never paid attention to materialistic indulgence, when she got a toy ring from a former boyfriend she was happy. She also revealed that lately she has become addicted to video games and a geek. She received in game gifts from people online, but believed that they did not know who she was. She revealed that at the end of the year she would work on a romantic film in Taiwan and try speaking Taiwanese. Before work would begin she has enrolled in acting courses to improve herself.

Liew Chi Yu appeared with a cane. She revealed that 3 days after she was in a rush to the set and suffered a sprain while boarding a vehicle. Her right leg was swollen and she was so mad that she wanted to break into foul language. Luckily the film would mainly be dramatic, so she would be able to continue to work. She felt that the injury might be a remainder from Heaven that she should not be too rushed or too frustrated. She also said that earlier she had high fever, and when her boyfriend took care of her he was infected too and tested positive. They spent two weeks together. She said that she was cranky and was worried of scaring off her boyfriend, but after this "pandemic" her boyfriend scored more points with her. "I told Mommy I met a good man."

Koo Tin Lok would receive the New York Asian Film Festival 2023 Extraordinary Star Asia Award for Exceptional Contribution to Asian Cinema. He happily said that he hoped to be able to attend, accept the award in person in July, meet with New York fans and talk about film collaboration plans. He also revealed that lately he has been working on a new film with Eddie Peng Yu-Yan, Raymond Lam Fung, Chau Sau Na and Sammo Hung Kam Bo. He had fight scenes with Thai actors and run on the streets under an extreme heat warning. "In the film I had to wear a jacket as a part of the costume for fight scenes. Working on action scenes in scorching heat is pain beyond any description. I couldn't eat, only kept drinking water. I couldn't get enough sleep from the all night shoots! It's top notch for losing weight." He said that after finishing the film, although he would have a little time off he took several film roles before the pandemic. Now as the pandemic eased they would need to be completed. Thus in the second half of the year he would make 2 or 3 more movies.

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