Thursday, September 5, 2024


Kwan Gor appears at a fashion show and suddenly looks trend
courtesy of

James Ng just returned from Foshan and immediately jumped into promoting his new song.

Jennifer Yu

Philip Ng dresses drastically different from what he usually wears
courtesy of

Jennifer Yu Heung Ying, Philip Ng Won Lung, James Ng Yip Kwan, Karl Ting Tze Long, Alfred Hui Ting Hung and others attended a fashion show event the night before. Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress Yu Heung Ying finally had time to take her family and company colleagues to Thailand for a vacation to celebrate the achievement, she smiled and said, "Because there has been no time to celebrate after winning the award in April as I had to start work on a series, so I had no time until now. This time the group of 16 people had a good time." Next, Yu Heung Ying would prepare to make a movie again, but this star mother still insisted on dropping off and picking up her children at school every day after school starts, no wonder she was getting thinner and thinner.

Returning with a healthy complexion, Yu Heung Ying smiled and said that since she became a mother she has even become gentle in her speech. In addition she had to prepare for her next movie role, so she has been used to speaking softly recently. When asked about the subject of the new film, Yu Heung Ying excitedly said that she could finally realize her dream. She said, "This time I will work with (Fish) Liew Chi Yu, we will have romantic scenes that will fulfill the dream from SISTERHOOD (GWUT MUI). Because last time I wanted to love but couldn't love, this time I can finally do it." Yu Heung Ying revealed that she and Liew Chi Yu would have a hugging and kissing scenes, but the script did not arrange for a bed scene yet. Speaking to the beginning of the school month in September, Yu Heung Ying coped with the return to school day for her children like other mothers, she said, "I have to drop off and pick up a pair of children at school before work every day, I am so busy that I got thin, made myself a little tired, and I can lose weight without exercising."

Rarely participates in fashion shows, Ng Won Lung said with a smile that he usually likes to wear loose clothes so that he can do somersaults at any time. Busy working on the post-production of the movie (MO MING FOR), Ng Won Lung revealed that he had a role as an action director and planner for this new film, and had the rare occasion to perform with his good brother Andy On Chi Kit. He would work on another action film later. He believed that his work from now on would be mainly action films and joked that he was not good at dramas. Action films instead made him even more comfortable. When asked if he was good at making love action movies, he played dumb and said that he did not know how to. Referring to the Performing Artists Guild's intention to hold a School Tour to raise awareness of students' emotions and the first stop might be the alma mater of President Louis Koo Tin Lok, Ng Won Lung said that he did not know the details of the event, but if Koo Tin Lok was in need he would definitely help to support him.

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