Thursday, September 5, 2024


Irving Cheung has not worked on a movie this year.

Louis Koo hopes that the government would have new policies that would help the industry
courtesy of

On the 30th last month a couple was found dead in a home in Yuen Long. The deceased man surnamed Li was engaged in the production of movie props and furnishings before his death, and his younger brother told the media that his brother suffered from brain cancer two years ago. He was often underemployed, possibly had financial difficulties, and needed to rely on friends to help. The TABLE FOR SIX (FAN HEI GUNG SUM) art director Irving Cheung Man forwarded the relevant news the day before yesterday, and said sadly that the incident was heartbreaking. "I haven't worked on a movie this year. In fact, many of my peers are really just sitting there. In addition he was ill. Although I wasn't familiar with him, I feel like a friend left because everyone has been living in the film industry for many years. It is really sad to see this ending." Cheung Man told the media that 2024 has been a worse year for Hong Kong films, her last film was last year's TABLE FOR SIX 2. She has looked for the opportunity for stage work and teach film art classes. She said that some senior colleagues have contributed to the film industry all their lives, and it would be difficult to change careers at their age. She believed that it was important to have audience support for the good of the film industry.

About the prop master's suicide, Louis Koo Tin Lok lamented the tremendous impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The film industry halted productions, and many film staff did not come back after changing careers. He has recently seen a lot of newcomers entering the industry, with many women on lighting and pushing photography tracks. The economy is not good and many people have difficulties, so they need to help these people channel their emotions, "In recent years productions have decreased, I hope the numbers will not fall further." Koo Tin Lok said that the economy was the source, so they needed to examine the source and discuss with government departments in hopes of new policies that would help the industry. They would have to discuss the feasibility. For the time being, the box office of all films throughout the year, including foreign films, has fallen. All are affected, and need a long time to adjust. They not only have to rely on the audience for support, but also for the entire economy to recover.

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