Fiona Sit Hoi Kei and Jaycee Chan (Fong Cho Ming) yesterday promoted their new film BREAK UP CLUB (FUN SAU SHUET OI NEI) on the radio. With the World Cup running into the film's release, were they worried about the box office? Fiona expressed that as an actor she could not worry about all that, and she did not know how to calculate how much box office a small romantic film should have. However earlier at the film festival the response was decent. Would Fiona ask her rumored boyfriends to watch? When she did not answer, reporters jokingly asked whether the "authentic" was sitting next to her. Cho Ming immediately dragged Fiona's numerous rumored boyfriends in. "I saw it, Fong Datong (Khalil Fong) also saw it at the art festival. They are quite well matched. Fiona also has a black rumored boyfriend." Fiona kept quiet as Cho Ming had fun at her expense. When asked about foul language usage while out with that black
rumored boyfriend, Fiona clarified, "I didn't use foul language. We are not dating either. That day we were with other friends as well."
As for Derek Tsang Kwok Cheung being accused of seeing four girls at the same time, Cho Ming was his friend also. He joked, "At first I thought it was a film title, how amazing! I don't know whether the reports are real, I am better off not talking about it." How many people has he seen at once? He joked, "At most two legs, four legs are very busy and very tough. I absolutely can't have some many." Fiona revealed that Cho Ming at most had three. Cho Ming immediately explained, "At the time we were officially together, we were just dating. However many women don't permit that either." Fiona honestly said that she could not accept a man dating several girls at once. She said, "Are you 'picking' vegetable at the market? Only pursuit after 'picking'? This is a question of respect." She immediately gave Cho Ming a look and said, "I am not saying you are wrong!" Then they posed for photos together. Cho Ming at first was somewhat cautious, then later he put his finger on Fiona's shoulder at the reporters' requests. He also made a victory gesture out of the blue.
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