Friday, May 31, 2024


The 73 year old Kent Cheng does not want his daughter to support her parents, so he keeps on working

Mr. Cheng celebrates his birthday with his wife Lan Yin Ming and daughter

Kent Cheng in 1993 won Best Actor with THREE HURT COPS and posed for photos with Best Supporting Actress Shu Qi and Best Supporting Actor Eric Tsang 

Kent Cheng has made a name for himself with the role of "Fat Cat", even bringing it to television with the ATV series THE STORY OF FAT CAT with Nina Paw
courtesy of

Kent Cheng Juk Si is a two-time Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor, winning the honor with WHY ME? (HOR BIT YAU NGOR) and THE LOG (SAM GOR SAU SEUNG DIK GAING CHAK). His acting skills are absolutely beyond any doubt. He has been in the film for 48 years, has experienced ups and downs, and has even owed more than HK$ 10 million in debt due to a film company joint venture. The 73-year-old said that he has already turned down the flames 20 years ago, but he was not pampered at present. Instead he was still desperately trying to make money to support his wife, because children have grown up and had their world. Since they still had to live he did not get to retire, he was also greedy, vane, and wanted to continue to win awards. He decided to work until the ends, and he also wanted to pass on his acting experience to young actors.

Cheng Juk Si (Brother Kent) said that he was working on television or movies not because of an acting bug, even if he has won the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor twice, he was still eager to win the award. He said, "I think later will always be the peak. Just like winning the award, when you accept the award and leave the stage it is over; it is a thing of the past. The most important thing is whether you can win the award again next year, the year after next or later; hope is always ahead. Don't judge me by my 70 something age, I still want to improve, I am still vain, if I get to win awards I would. I don't want to compete with others; but if I am doing well in my 70s, I still want to win awards. What's the problem? Presenting an award to me in my old age and cheer me up, why not? If I can't then oh well. You have to look at yourself with a calm heart and have to have positive hopes."

Brother Kent pointed out that the past has passed, it was just a milestone; he would accumulate experience and move forward. Since he was old, what he had was experience. He hoped to help the younger generations, so they would take fewer detours to achieve their goals. He said, "The elders need to remind the younger generations that they have been able to survive in this industry for decades all because of the audience. They need to extend their lives for the audience to support them. I hope that the younger generations can keep up and carry forward, so the audience would continue to support them. Only then would the industry have a chance to develop."

Brother Kent said that he not only acted on television, but also participated in three films that were still unreleased last year. They included FUN SING (THE BURNING CITY), THE PROSECUTOR (NG POON) and CRISIS NEGOTIATORS (TAM POON JUEN GA), as well as still in production TRIER OF FACT (SAU KYET JEH), which was still in production. He said that he has never resisted anything since he entered the industry. When someone asked him to perform, if he could play it he would accept. He would not choose a script. "Who would know that a script must be bad? Many big productions and big star casts may not be a hit, but some inconspicuous ones would break out. No one can nail the coffin and be conclusive. It is difficult to say whether they are good or bad before the results come out, so when the opportunity presents itself take it." Back then, he played Fat Cat the movie WHY ME?, which gave him fame and fortune. However Brother Kent would consider this character his classic, only a milestone on his show business journey. "Actually, the role of 'Fat Cat' has brought me a lot. Shot in 1985, I won the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor the following year. By 2003 I still played "Fat Cat", spanning more than ten years with 4 TV series and 3 movies in the process, bringing me a lot of glory and making everyone remember me. However I wasn't done just like that, it is just one of my roles people remember."

Brother Kent said that his temper was not what it once was. In addition he has already turned down the flames for 20 years. Because he was purely an actor, as long as he did his best, the director was satisfied and the responsibility has been completed, he would be very happy. However being a producer was different, you had to take care of many aspects. When screenwriting, directing, acting to even production were all your business, it was another matter. He said, "You would go mad! When you have so much to deal with all at once, like whether the shoot went well, whether the actor performed well, everything was your business. In addition you have to control production costs, whether the budget has been exceeded, etc., if something happens, you would use foul language and yell at people. Of course everything has a cause and an effect, and we must first talk about the cause." He said that he made movies to make money, if he said that it was for the love of it it would be too noble. Currently people are still looking for him to produce films; but he thought since a movie would take two or three years to make, he did not know if he would be able to clean up afterwards. "As a producer often you can't walk away. From preparation, filming start to completion, the time is too long. Honestly, how many years do I have to act in front of the camera? If you ask me, I hope that I can until the day I die; because I still need to live, I have no ability to retire and I don't want my children to support me; I have been young too, when you are young it's for the family. I hope now for the new generation to live their own lives well, finding their own directions and lives."

Once owed more than HK$ 10 million in debts due to a film company joint venture, Brother Kent said that it was the lowest point in his life. "It doesn't matter, this incident told me that life has highs and lows in life. From my position I chose to be responsible. It doesn't matter how bad it is for me in the end; as long as I am responsible for clearly taking care of it, the matter is over and in the past. Just like the principle of winning awards, you always look forward; think about the future because you still have to keep going. I want to raise my head and let people know I am already OK, I can come out and do it again." He said that it is very important for his family to be willing to tough out those days with him, so he was able to tell everyone that in the end only family would be able to accompany them without any regret. "Unless you are a decrepit person who makes everyone unhappy, home would always be a safe haven without a doubt. I am the most grateful to my wife and mother."

Brother Kent believed that the best era of the film industry was when it had variety in full bloom. Everyone did what they were good at and would not flock to do the same thing. "Following the trend guarantees a quick death, just like when Tsui Hark directed A CHINESE GHOST STORY (SIN NUI YAU WON); when one succeeded, everyone else went to make ghost movies. The production cost became bigger and bigger, leaving everyone unable to break even. Playing the trend following game is definitely big trouble, and the final winner of this game would only be the person who was leading the trend. Those who followed trends would be done for. You know what you are best at, make subjects that you excel in. Don't just follow because one was a hit." He also advised the younger generations that they should believe that good films will always have the support of the audience. "If this is not the case, we are dumb to make movies. If even we don't believe in this simple truth, why are we still in this business? The so-called dream factory, whether it is movies or television, is to achieve the dreams of others. I still have a vision for this industry, feeling that as long as everyone has new ideas, relates to the audience, coordinates with the skills and directions, blending them all together would become a good script."


Stephy Tang, Anson Kong and Chrissie Chau are delighted that to finish filming their new film

Chrissie falls to the point where her beautiful legs are all red and her heart aches when she sees them
courtesy of

Chrisse Chau Sau Na has become a "woman who is easily injured" in recent years. Following a falling plastic board hitting the back of her foot earlier, recently she fell and her knees "saw red". No wonder when her bowling movie with Stephy Tang Lai Yan wrapped up production, she stated that she had to take a good rest and "recuperate"!

Chau Sau Na was famous for working hard. When she was filming the series DEAD RINGER earlier, she often had to shoot fights scenes and ended up breaking her ribs during training. The recovery took awhile. In recent months, she collaborated with Tang Lai Yan and MIRROR vice-captain Anson Kong (AK) on the film DAI FUN JUNG (BIG SPLIT). The story was about bowling, but Chrissie stilled ended up with injuries all over her body. Earlier a piece of plastic fell from above and hit her foot, leaving a long and deep blood mark on the instep. As one would think she would be more careful in the future, she turned round and fell until her knee "saw red". Although it was only bruises and bleeding, after wiping away the blood it were all bruised.

Recently DAI wrapped up production, Chrissie, Stephy, AK and others had dinner to celebrate. Chrissie, who often stayed up all night for the film, said: "I can get a good night's sleep, drink coffee, reward yourself with a handbag, and have time to recover from hand and foot injuries." Obviously, she needed to rely on shopping and rest to heal well.

In addition, the Stephy participated mainland costume drama THE LAST CHEF would air on the 27th, not only would it be Stephy's first costume drama, but she also filmed it with the three giants of THE BRONZE TEETH. However, Stephy was suddenly questioned about her political position. In order to clarify her personal orientation, she issued a statement the day before yesterday and said that she is determined to participate in the promotion of cultural exchanges between Hong Kong, China and the mainland. Regarding "people with intention" over-interpreting her interview online and deliberately distorting her statement on social media, She was very saddened. She hoped that the majority of people online would not listen to the rumors, and would reserve all legal rights to take action.


Christy Lai makes her first movie officially, of course she is deeply engaged 
courtesy of

Christy Lai Kei Kwan and Kaylee Yu Hoi Kei took part in the new high-intelligence crime film NO SUCH PERSON (CHA MO CHI YUN, which was Christy's first official film production. In the film she and Kaylee went hiking in the country. They worked very hard on the day of filming; under over 30 degree Celsius high temperature and exposure and without any cover, they fried for a day as each was tied up on wires on the edge of the cliff to shoot a struggle scene. Both were drenched in sweat. Kaylee had to shoot the runnng downhill scene, even got heat stroke and dizziness from it. After finished the shoot, Christy's feet were covered with bruises and without any "good flesh" left!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

[2024.05.30] FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 26 2024

For The week ending May 19 2024


  Can : Gwai Tin Ha
    d. Hsieh Chih Wen
    Esther Huang, Chen Yuu, Masha Pan,
      Dai Ping Ya, Tanivu Yatauyungana
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 84 mins.
  Opening May 16 2024
  Trailer :

    On the evening of May 28, 1984...

    A fierce fire broke out on the 4th floor of the Jin Xin Building, suspected to have been caused by electrical wires igniting. Thick smoke billowed to the ceiling, but the escape routes were blocked with debris, leaving 19 residents trapped and perishing in the flames. This tragic event shocked society, and rumors of terror within the Jin Xin Building persisted, earning it a notorious reputation as a haunted house. However, due to its significantly lower rent compared to surrounding properties, it always remained fully occupied. Exorcist Pei Zhi, YouTuber Shao Jun seeking inspiration for ghost stories, and Yi Ting, who moved to the city for work, were among those who gradually moved in. One day, Pei Zhi and Shao Jun experienced a supernatural event together, prompting them to join forces to investigate these inexplicable phenomena and uncover the truth behind the fire disaster.


  Can : Chung Gum Yi Hau
  Lit : From Now On
    d. Ray Yeung Yiu Hoi
    Patra Au Ga Man, Maggie Li Lin Lin, Tai Bo, Leung Chung Hang,
      Fish Liew Chi Yu, Rachel Leung Yung Ting,
      Hui So Ying, Na Mei Kwan, Lee Lai Ha,
      Yu Yuk Wa, Lai Chai Ming
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 93 mins.
  Opening March 28 2024 at the 48th Hong Kong International Film Festival
  Opening May 1 2024
  Site :
  Trailer :

    When her partner Pat unexpectedly dies, Angie is left to worry about the flat in which the couple lived together for over 30 years. Supported by her chosen family, Angie begins a later-life journey into emancipation.

    After her partner's unexpected death, a woman finds herself at the mercy of her partner's family as she struggles to find her balance and dignity while trying to retain the home they shared for over thirty years.


    d. Mitsunaka Susumu
    Japanese Animation
  Rating : I
  Length : 85 mins.
  Opening April 11 2024
  Trailer :

    The teaser trailer glimpses the initial encounter and subsequent development of friendship between Shoyo Hinata and Kenma Kozume, culminating in a decisive match on the volleyball court. With Shoyo Hinata's famous line: "Let's play a game that can't be repeated", the stage is set for 'The Dumpster Battle"!


    d. David Leitch
    Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt


    d. Mitsuo Fukuda
    Japanese Animation
  Rating : IIA
  Length : 124 mins.
  Opening April 25 2024
  Trailer :

    In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold.


  Can : Ngor Joi Jeh Lui Dun Nei
    Terrance Lau Chun Him, FANDY FAN, CHAN TZU HSUAN
  Rating : IIA
  Length : 100 mins.
  Opening May 15 2024
  Trailer :

    Hong Kong writer Tian-Yu, embroiled in a plagiarism controversy, embarks a solo trip to Taipei, seeking solace at the mysterious "Bay of Vanishing Whales" in Taiwan. He unexpectedly befriends A-Xiang, a warm-hearted local gangster. Despite initial doubts, Tian-Yu, drawn to the Bay, joins A-Xiang on an adventure. In A-Xiang's company, Tian-Yu finds inspiration. The smile of A-Xiang lightens Tian-Yu's heart. However, the much-anticipated Kenting Fireworks Festival takes a disappointing turn due to A-Xiang’s absence. Back in Hong Kong, Tian-Yu grapples with moving forward but remains haunted by lingering regret. One day, he realizes that his meeting with A-Xiang is destined, not by chance. With renewed hope, Tian-Yu returns to Taiwan, eagerly anticipating a meaningful reunion.


  4 IF
    d. John Krasinski
    Cailey Fleming, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, br />       Fiona Shaw, Louis Gossett Jr., Steve Carell


    d. Wes Ball
    Owen Teague, Freya Allen, Kevin Durand


    d. George Miller
    Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth


  AKA : KOWLOON WALLED CITY (Working title)
  Can : Gau Lung Sing Jai Wai Sing
    d. Soi Cheang Po Soi
    Louis Koo Tin Lok, Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Raymond Lam Fung,
      Terrance Lau Chun Him, Richie Jen (Yam Yin Chai),
      Kenny Wong Tak Bun, Philip Ng Won Lung,
      Tony Wu Tsz Tung, German Cheung Man Kit,
      Max Zhang Jin
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 125 mins.
  Opening May 1 2024
  Trailer :

    Set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City, which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong, Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. In the Walled City, he becomes close friends with Shin, Twelfth Master and AV. Under the leadership of Tornado, they resist against the invasion of villain Mr. Big in a series of fierce battles. Together, they vow to protect the safe haven that is Kowloon Walled City.

    Adapted from the award-winning Hong Kong cult manga series "City of Darkness", this action thriller is set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong.

    The walled city is populated by people in the lowest strata of society, among whom are various colorful and kung-fu savvy characters: e.g. a Vietnamese immigrant biding time for revenge, an ex-boxer on the lookout for his kidnapped girlfriend, a katana wielding martial arts boy wonder from Temple Street, as well as a local gang leader and his loyal friend. When the British Hong Kong government tries to demolish the Walled City once and for all with the help of a Triad kingpin and his ruffian underlings, they gather all the residents in the enclave behind them to fight against the invaders and protect their homes and properties


"Four Sons of the Walled City" deliver the good news as the film's box office exceeds HK$ 80 million
courtesy of

TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN starring Louis Koo exceeded HK$ 82.5 million at the box office two day ago and surpassed WARRIORS OF FUTURE's HK$ 81.82 million, landing it in second place among the highest grossing  Chinese language film in Hong Kong

German Cheung, Raymond Lam, Tony Wu and Terrance Lam make a celebratory video for passing HK$ 80 million at the box office

Tony Wu and Kenny Wong attend an audience appreciation event and take a group photo with Little Iron Man
courtesy of

Linda Chung and old flame Philip Ng are still friends.  She praises him for playing the role well

Philip Ng has won praises for playing the villain Wong Gau in TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN 
courtesy of

TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING) has been going full speed ahead, its total box office in Hong Kong and Macao has collected HK$ 82,513,009 as of the day before yesterday, becoming the single-day box office champion for 27 consecutive days, ranking second in the total box office of Chinese films in Hong Kong film history, and breaking the record of another Louis Koo Tin Lok starred movie WARRIORS OF FUTURE (MING YUT JIN GEI).

The Koo Tin Lok starred WARRIORS OF FUTURE (MING YUT JIN GEI) made HK$ 81.82 million at the box office two year ago. This time the new film's box office has exceeded HK$ 82.51 million. Yesterday he posted to share the joy, "I am very happy that TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN reached second place in the Chinese language box office, thank you to each and every friends who have supported the movie at the cinemas. As actors, we only have one plan: complete the task and keep going! Make good Hong Kong films, so that Hong Kong films can continue to shine and reach everywhere around the world!" He also tag the words "I exceed my own box office" and WARRIORS OF FUTURE.

TWILIGHT has been released in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, England, Australia, the U.S., France and other places. Its box office in the mainland has exceeded 600 million yuan RMB. In 10 day after the film's release in Taiwan it has reached NT$ 21.28 million and would likely become the highest grossing Hong Kong film box office in 2024 there. The box office in Malaysia also exceeded RM 8.3 million in 10 days.

The "Four Sons of the Walled City" thanked the audience for their support with video. Raymond Lam Fung thanked everyone who attended. Tony Wu Tsz Tung said that they will continue to work hard and see everyone at audience appreciation events. Terrance Lau Chun Him mentioned that a prequel and a sequel will be filmed, and they will continue to work hard f or Hong Kong films.

A few days ago, Kenny Wong Tak Bun, Tony Wu Tsz Tung and German Cheung Man Kit continued to attend audience appreciation events for TWILIGHT. Some viewers strongly praised Wong Tak Bun, who played Brother Tiger in the film. "Thank you for showing us a movie with Hong Kong nostalgia, and Wong tak Bun you really are very cool!" Wong Tak Bun said that the film has been in theaters for a while, and he was very touched to see that many viewers still supporting them, "I am so happy that there are many new actors in the film. I was able to work with Wu Tsz Tung and them, they are really very popular." Wu Tsz Tung awkwardly said, "We have to listen to what Big Brother says." The master of ceremonies asked Wu Tsz Tung if he preferred Tornado or Tiger? Without any hesitation, he replied, "Brother Tiger!" He joked that Brother Tiger was there , so of course he had to say that.

Earlier receiving a video of encouragement from Cheung Man Kit, heart disease patient "Little Tough Guy" dressed up Wu Tsz Tung's characters at the movies. He held a katana and tied a tiger to him to pay tribute to Tiger. When the emcee asked about his favorite character, he said: "I like Sup Yi Siu, he is very nice."

Wu Tsz Tung performed the dialogue on the spot at the request of the audience. "I followed the right Big Brother!" When the female viewer who made the request was asked if she had even more daring demand, she said, "Wu Tsz Tung be my guy!" Wu Tsz Tung was stunned and a little caught off guard. He hid behind Wong Tak Bun and said, "You ask Big Brother!" Wong Tak Bun joked, "You are grown now! You are in charge of yourself." Wu Tsz Tung then suggested returning the topic to the movie.

In addition, two night ago (27th) Linda Chung Ka Yun appeared in the beauty equipment endorsement contract renewal event. She returned to Hong Kong for over a week this time. A few days ago, she posted the photo of a ticket for the movie TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN on social media, and strongly praised how entertaining it was. Was she supporting old flame Philip Ng Won Lung or rumored old flame Raymond Lam Fung? She generously said that she would support Hong Kong movies when she had time. "I support all the actors in the film, this movie has many good actors. The pairing is great. After I watched it I went 'Wow! Wow! Wow!' How could it be so entertaining? The script was very delicately written, including brotherhood, family and the history of the Kowloon Walled City. Philip, Ah Fung all performed very well. (Ng Won long as Wong Gau has been praised for his acting?) That's great! Every actor has always been very good. This character finally arrived for Philip, I am happy for him. His value has always been there, he was just waiting for the right role. His long hair look is great, the character is very suitable for him. I am truly proud of him."

Ng Won Lung earlier said that he had Chung Ka Yun's support, but the message was only three words: "You did good". Chung Ka Yan admitted that they were still in touch, "As long as I see something that I think it's good, I would send a text message to him. Everyone is still friends, and I also send well wishes for Christmas and birthdays. (Has your husband been jealous?) No, my husband is very confident, and we are very faithful. (Would you have dinner with Ng Won Lung to celebrate?) No, I have be very busy for over a week since I returned to Hong Kong. I would work on a commercial, go to promote in Guangzhou for an August 10th Guangzhou concert. I would also record new songs. I really don't have time." She said that she has not held a concert for 10 years, and she is nervous and excited. She was now working hard to arrange a set list, hoping to bring positive energy and childhood memories to fans. Would she perform a Hong Kong leg or in other place? She said, "Hopefully, it is my goal. (Would you invite any guest?) I haven't thought about it yet, but I want to get more time to sing for everyone."


Hok Yau and Ting Fung seriously learn and look forward to showing their professional captain sides

Hok Yau leads the actors onto a Customs vessel and his sense of responsibility doubles

When Kenny Kwan learns that Michelle Wai has a boating license, he cannot be more envious
courtesy of

Already with a junior lifeguard certification, Nicholas Tse wants to go further and get a boating license after this production
courtesy of

The Best Actor with active sports genes, Nicholas Tse Ting Fung has a soft spot for water sports. Already awarded with a junior lifeguard certification, he has always wanted to get a boat license but has been unable to do so due to his busy work schedule. Fortunately, he was able to get a taste of being a captain in the new film. He also pointed out that with this production experience, he has more confidence in the future boating license examination!

The Nicholas Tse Ting Fung, Jacky Cheung Hok Yau starred Emperor Motion Picture CUSTOMS FRONTLINE (HOI GUAN JIN SIN) would open in July, For 100% realism, the team made a special trip to the customs base for a location shoot. In one of the major scenes, Hok Yau led a group of subordinates Ting Fung, Michelle Wai Sze Nga, Kenny Kwan Chi Bun and others to shoot on the ship. Before taking their positions they also asked professionals for relevant precautions, including the gestures and professional terms of sailing. They hoped to achieve the most perfect result.

In the scene that day Ting Fung, Hok Yau and others were preparing to go to sea for patrol. Everyone were fully prepared before sending sail. As soon as they boarded the boat, they took their seats and felt the atmosphere in the cockpit. The uniformed Hok Yau held the binoculars while reciting his lines to give orders, which was very imposing; Seated at the helm, Ting Fung strived to familiarize himself with the control in front of him. He said seriously, "Today's shoot felt very solemn; there was a sense of responsibility when boarding the ship, which was completely different from the usual feeling of filming on the set. Actually I like water sports very much, I am a strong swimmer, and have successfully obtained the junior lifeguard license. I have always wanted to get the boating license, unfortunately I haven't had the time. This time through the production I have a deeper understanding of the operation and regulations on the boat, which would be helpful if I do take the boating license test in the future."

Wai Sze Nga, Kenny and the others were more relaxed, as they prepared dinner before the vessel departure in the scene. Wai Sze Nga said, "I rehearsed with Brother Hok Yau just now, and he asked me what's for dinner tonight? I am in charge of dinner today, and I responded to him according to the script and said scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Everyone talked and laughed like a family, and our group of actors have a great relationship. I even privately bought potato chips as an 'added dish'." Although she has obtained the boating license, she stated that this was her first time in the cockpit of the customs vessel and she felt a heavy responsibility. Kenny was very envious when he learned that she had a boating license. He also took the opportunity to ask the professionals about past patrol experience. He was very enterprising and eager to learn.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


For the week starting Saturday, May 25 2024 (Week 21)



  Can : Dai Diu
  Jamie Cheung Tin Wing

  Can : Ling Lo Yau Lo
  The Absent Brother

  Anson Kong Yip Sun

  Can : Nam Mo Si Gum Guoon Man Yau
  Terence Lam Ka Him

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Mak Kwok Keung wants to express another type of vitality of the Walled City, where people were optimistic about their environment and live happy lives in their hearts

The movie sets have been dismantled but not yet discarded, and there is a chance that they will be back for the public and tourists to check out

The tea stall is an important set of TWILIGHT, and Mak Kwok Keung uses warm colors like beige, brown and orange to create a warm and comfortable environment.

Director Soi Cheang and Mak Kwok Keung study the art style of each scene

For the twilight scene at the end of the movie, Mak Kwok Keung hopes that the audience would feel the light and life is still has hope

Mak Kwok Keung uses intricate water pipes, electrical wiring and other elements of the Walled City to weave together a special visual effect

Based on old photographs and information, Ma Kwok Keung reconstructs the store, the barber shop and the narrow side streets and alleys of the Kowloon Walled City
courtesy of

The film TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING) has been a critical and commercial success. As of yesterday, its box office in Hong Kong and Macao has collected more than HK$ 70 million and placed it fourth in the total box office of Chinese films in Hong Kong film history. It also made nearly 600 million yuan RMB in the mainland. The film spent HK$ 50 million to bring back the appearance of the Kowloon Walled City from the past, the realistic sets and props of which evoked memories of the previous generation audiences, and also attracting the curiosity of the new generation audiences about the Kowloon Walled City. They all hope to keep the movie sets for visiting. Louis Koo Tin Lok once said that he looked forward to it becoming a tourist landmark and motivate the Hong Kong tourism industry. The Government also mentioned at a press conference on the chronology of major events in Hong Kong a few days ago that it has learned that the movie sets have been dismantled not yet discarded. It was discussing with relevant parties to see if some of the sets can be taken out for members of the public and tourists to check out. As the sets in the film reverberated with great resonance, and art director Mak Kwok Keung and the team should be credited. He explained the entire concept and the difficulties encounters during the construction.

Art director Mak Kwok Keung in the past has won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Art Direction Born with LIMBO (JI CHI) and BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS (SUP YUET WAI SING). Born and raised in Hong Kong, he grew up in a dense mix of old and new buildings. He has an intimate and ordinary impression of the Kowloon Walled City, which also had a sense of mystery that kept him at a distance out of respect. In the past he has always chosen to take a detour around it, never truly stepping foot in the Walled city even when it demolished. He described the Kowloon Walled City in the 1980s as a huge installation, reflecting part of the state and history of society at that time through the living environment established between people, the orderly out of chaos buildings, the winding staircases and the intricate plumbing and electrical wiring.

When preparing to shoot TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED CITY, Mak Kwok Keung said that the art style was a little difficult to define at first. When he received the script, he knew that it was an adaptation of the novel; but with building some styles from the comics, he had to be careful, "The Kowloon Walled City was a witness of more than 100 years of history, blending modern Hong Kong culture and social changes. We could neither be too farfetched nor too realistic, but with director Cheang Pou Soi we decided the final style -- realistic with some comic book style. We created a Walled City that looked fearsome from the outside with a sense of mystery; a place that gave people an impression that you could not causally enter, but was full of life inside; the harmony of life could be experienced in the mixed environment, and the residents helped each other in the warm Walled City."

The art team did a lot of research before the production, and contacted neighbors who have lived in the Walled City. The most important was how to use previous photos and information to find out their living conditions at that time, focusing on the details of life, finding out the love between people in the city instead of focusing on sex, gambling and drugs, and having a deeper understanding of the world in the Walled City. "Ordinary people's impression of the Walled City was a lawless place, we don't want to look at the Walled City from this angle. In the Walled City since the 1970s, in less than 10 years, the population has tripled from 10,000 people. There were many rich stories behind it that were worth discovering. Getting to this Hong Kong with its economy taking off in the 1980s, the Walled Cty that was full of life within darkness, we wanted to express another type of vitality, a type of hope. Residents of the Walled City during that era, no matter how poor their living conditions were, each person was able to find their own way to survive in hardship, optimistically faced the environment and lived out the paradise in their hearts."

Mak Kwok Keung felt that first they had to create a Kowloon Walled City that would be credible to everyone and for the audience to be able to relate to, only then would the story be able to continue to be told. "Since books, online information and pictures are only a small part of the Walled City, there are still many places that have not been seen; we had to recreate several of the most common and impressive locations in the Walled City, so that the audience would recognize them at a glance, such as the faucet, the store at the entrance of the north gate, etc. Once the audience believed that this Kowloon Walled City existed, we would be able to create more interesting places to match the development of the story and hope that the audience would be the first to explore other spaces in the Kowloon Walled City that have never been seen before, such as the narrow alleys that were full of wires and water pipes that Chan Lok Kwan (played by Raymond Lam Fung) shuttling back and forth through. I also used these intricate water pipes and wires to interweave special visual effects to enhance the steampunk style." He pointed out that another key design concept was to penetrate the inner and outer walls of the building, as well as between the ground floors. Many broken walls and holes were frequently seen in the movie. This design was from the background research of the characters, as well as the consideration of the production functions. In the film Tornado (played by Koo Tin Lok) and others kept an eye out in the walled city to prevent the invasion of external forces. They knew the geographical environment of the Walled City, the intertwined structure of the building like the back of their hands. They opened up some of the inner and outer walls of the building, convenient to flexibly shuttle between the buildings and slits and establish a unique route system, so they would be able to get to anywhere in the Walled City in the shortest distance and time. There was a scene where Shun Yat (played by Terrance Lau Chun Him) used this special route to chase and intercept Lok Kwan who mistakenly stumbled into the walled city.

Mak Kwok Keung said: "We studied through research the real living condition of the Walled City, there were all kinds of shops, the smoke filled food processing plant, the noise of the hardware industry, etc. I used different light blue and light green as the main colors to create a rough world of steampunk, and then add a light yellow background color, hoping to bring out the gentleness of life. I wanted the audience to get closer to reality, to see the world in first person, hoping to get a vibrant, enthusiastic atmosphere." He also added different colors according to the needs of individual plots. For example the tea stall was an important main location, using warm colors such as beige, brown, and orange to create a warm, comfortable and humane environment. Everyone had barbecued pork rice after working hard, and residents watched TV together. It was a place for simple joy, and it was also the first time Lok Kwan sat down to eat barbecued pork rice and felt the warmth of human contact. A stairway away across was the temporary habitat of Lok Kwan, with dark green pine and deep lake blue as the main colors, matching the cold loneliness of Lok Kwan sleeping alone on a nylon bed in the dark night; with contrasting tones expressing Lok Kwan's unstable emotions, "The whole setting inside the Walled City were filled with the daily lives of the residents, the color was a little richer, without focusing too the side of the foundation. at the end of the movie, I kept the colors brighter for the twilight panorama of the Kowloon Walled City, hoping to feel that there was light even at dusk, and life could be full of opportunities at any time."

Mak Kwok Keung has conceived the design of the entire Kowloon Walled City a year before the start of filming, but due to the epidemic it was stopped for half a year. He only had 4 months to prepare when it started up again, but most of the sets had concepts and the design part went smoothly. The texture effect processing was often longer than the scenery construction time, if he constructed according to the construction drawings the set would be too orderly. He pointed and waved with the construction team everyday on the set, climbed up and down, with the roughest and most primitive methods they threw the set together, as long as the changes were good they would be more valuable, even at the last minute, he would do his best to coordinate. "The earliest set was the gambling parlor. The set was already half built and the furniture were also mostly ready. Finally it was changed into a tea stall, which was very accurate and valuable; because if the gambling parlor was retained, the result wouldn't have been this at all, everyone will understand after watching the film."

Mak Kwok Keung said that the biggest difficulty was the lack of time, "At that time, I often hoped to have 48 hours a day; and the other difficulty was how to give this walled city a real sense of life. I try to use various methods to restore the Kowloon Walled City in the 1980s, because there are a large number of data pictures and videos. Many people have studied the Walled City, so more realism was required; we constantly studied all kinds of details, brick by brick, topography and the flavor and traces of residents' lives, and find a large number of old things, old wood and materials, etc., to help render the Walled City as if we became cultural relics archaeologists. The requirements for everything were different, but we didn't even have a single piece of wood from the original Walled City; how can we restore it? Since the one and only Kowloon Walled City in the world has disappeared, I adjusted my thinking. Actually I wanted to recreate a Kowloon Walled City that was born for the movie, that was how we completed today's finished product. I believed that the design and the completion level have met the commercial needs and satisfied the function of the picture. The whole production process was full of excitement and satisfaction, leaving a lot of memories." He was satisfied with each scene but seems to have some regrets. What made him grateful and proud was that he worked hard day and night with a group of very excellent colleagues in the art department with 200% dedication and contribution to achieve these wonderful scenes together.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Zhang Xinyue in order to support her husband Raymond Lam has watched the same movie numerous times
courtesy of

Philip Ng visits the radio station with his mother, who has just returned from the U.S.
 courtesy of

The Raymond Lam Fung starred film TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING) has been so well received, even his wife Zhang Xinyue wanted to watch it again and again. She posted a photo with Lam Fung and friends at the movies on social media. The couple bought popcorn for their movie date, like lovers in a passionate relationship. She said with a smile, "I took Chan Lok Kwan to watch the movie for the third times and finally watched the Cantonese version. Every time I get a different feeling."

Playing the villain "Wong Gau" in the film, Philip Ng Won Lung's popularity has risen sharply. He recently accepted a radio interview and took his mother, who returned to Hong Kong from the United States, to visit the radio station. He was happy that the movie had a good response, revealing that he immigrated to the United States with his family at age 7. His father opened a martial arts school, and he was exposed to kung fu since he was a child. He truly studied kung fu in depth at the age of 13. "At the time a foreign child hit me right in the chest and knocked me down. Back then I felt that I have been training in kung fu for many years, why couldn't I fight? Actually the kung fu I learned in detail was relatively superficial, then I began to study Chinese martial arts in depth and use this technique to protect myself." He did not expect to pave the path to the opportunity of entering the industry as an action actor and director.

Ng Won Lung said that foreigners like to watch kung fu movies very much, and think that Jackie Chan is very stylish. When he was a child, he once fantasized about practicing kung fu on the silver screen one day. At that time he rented videos to watch at home, and he remembered that he watched the Jackie Chan starred DRUNKEN MASTER video until it was scratched. This movie had the deepest impact on him, "I kept thinking that if there was a chance to get punched by Jackie Chan in Hong Kong, it would be good."

Ng Won Lung has regarded Jackie Chan as his action movie idol, every time he made an action movie it must be real and hardcore. He revealed that while filming the TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN chase scene with Raymond Lam Fung, he once injured his thigh, "I was running around in the alley of the Walled City and jumping over 3 stairs, when I landed I heard a 'pop'. It turned out that my thigh muscles were torn. I rested for a week. When I went back to shoot the fruit market chase scene with Lam Fung, I was injured again after filming all night." He and Lam Fung worked together for the first time and became good brothers, "Making this type of film is no different from fighting a battle, after experiencing the hard work together, as soon as the cameras stop rolling we really take care of each other and become comrades-in-arms."

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


German Cheung personally shoots a video to encourage the little tough guy who suffers from heart disease
courtesy of

German Cheung turns into "Sei Jai" for a video to encourage little tough guy Kansas, telling him not to put underwear on his head and promises to give him a mask

Little tough guy Kansas after watching TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN transforms a pair of underwear into a mask to dress up as "Sei Jai"

The production is actively considering the feasibility of preserving the TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN set and opening it to the public as a landmark 

TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN's box office momentum remains strong, exceeding HK$ 77 million over 22 days
courtesy of

Since the movie TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN's release on May 1st, its Hong Kong box office has exceeded 70 million in three weeks, as it became the single-day box office champion for 21 consecutive days. It surpassed COLD WAR 2 (HONG JIN I) to reach fourth place on the top ten Chinese language film box office in Hong Kong. So far the top three are A GUILTY CONSCIENCE (DUK SIT DAI JONG), WARRIORS OF FUTURE (MING YUT JIN GEI) and TABLE FOR SIX (FAN HEI GUNG SUM). According to the mainland Maoyan box office site, TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN is currently second at the box office. As of yesterday it has accumulated 570 million RMB.

Aside from its box office success, TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN also performed well in overseas sales. Aside from being in release in three places on both sides of the strait, Singapore and Malaysia; Australia, New Zealand and England would follow, then North America and Europe. According to foreign media reports at TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN's appearance in Cannes, Korea, India, and Eastern European countries were among the buyers.

The lead actors in the film, Raymond Lam Fung, Terrance Lau Chun Him, Tony Wu Tsz-tung and German Cheung Man Kit played "The Four Sons of the Walled City", called themselves the "Kowloon Four". Every time the four attended audience appreciation events they became the focus, as their number of their fans and box office continued to rise simultaneously. The age range was even wider.

The Lau Chun Him played "Shun Yat" has captivated many female viewers. Some warned online against bringing girlfriends to watch TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN, because girlfriends would become "Mrs. Lau". Playing the role of "Sei Jai" in the film, Cheung Man Kit had powerful martial arts skills and extraordinary agility. The degree of difficulty of his martial arts action has caught the attention of many viewers and fascinated many fans. Kansas, a 7-year-old little tough guy with congenital heart disease and who has undergone 6 heart surgeries, is also a fan of the movie TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN. Also because of this movie, he has fallen for the Cheung Man Kit played character of "Sei Jai". He was so into it that he turned his underwear at home into a mask to dress up as "Sei Jai". German has learned about the little tough guy's fan behavior decided to don the mask for him and personally shot a video to encourage him. German said, "Little tough guy, I am Sei Jai. Let me tell you, don't put that pair of underwear on your face again. Next time Big Brother will give you a mask. So you have to put your heart into studying, grow up quickly, and be a great hero when you grow up, come on!"

In addition, outside voices wanted to retain the production set of TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN and organize it into a landmark open to the public. The production company said that it will actively consider its feasibility and also contacting relevant departments. Everyone would still need time to communicate about the specific plan on how to present the true original appearance of the set. Many viewers posted comments on the TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN social media about the current 126 minute version had a 150 minute extended version. They also asked for end credit "Easter eggs".

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

[2024.05.22] FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 19 2024

For The week ending May 19 2024


    d. Heo Myeong-haeng
    Don Lee, Kim Moo-yul, Park Ji-hwan, Lee Dong-hwi
    Rating : IIB
  Length : 109 mins.
  Opening May 1 2024
  Trailer :

    While investigating a drug-trafficking app, "Monster Cop" Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app's developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partner, the IT genius Chang Dong-cheol, is planning an even larger scheme in Korea itself. To put an end to the escalating threat, Detective Ma expands his operation by proposing an unexpected alliance...The fourth instalment in the Roundup series.


    d. Mitsunaka Susumu
    Japanese Animation
  Rating : I
  Length : 85 mins.
  Opening April 11 2024
  Trailer :

    The teaser trailer glimpses the initial encounter and subsequent development of friendship between Shoyo Hinata and Kenma Kozume, culminating in a decisive match on the volleyball court. With Shoyo Hinata's famous line: "Let's play a game that can't be repeated", the stage is set for 'The Dumpster Battle"!


  Can : Gwai Tin Ha
    d. Hsieh Chih Wen
    Esther Huang, Chen Yuu, Masha Pan,
      Dai Ping Ya, Tanivu Yatauyungana
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 84 mins.
  Opening May 16 2024
  Trailer :

    On the evening of May 28, 1984...

    A fierce fire broke out on the 4th floor of the Jin Xin Building, suspected to have been caused by electrical wires igniting. Thick smoke billowed to the ceiling, but the escape routes were blocked with debris, leaving 19 residents trapped and perishing in the flames. This tragic event shocked society, and rumors of terror within the Jin Xin Building persisted, earning it a notorious reputation as a haunted house. However, due to its significantly lower rent compared to surrounding properties, it always remained fully occupied. Exorcist Pei Zhi, YouTuber Shao Jun seeking inspiration for ghost stories, and Yi Ting, who moved to the city for work, were among those who gradually moved in. One day, Pei Zhi and Shao Jun experienced a supernatural event together, prompting them to join forces to investigate these inexplicable phenomena and uncover the truth behind the fire disaster.


  Can : Chung Gum Yi Hau
  Lit : From Now On
    d. Ray Yeung Yiu Hoi
    Patra Au Ga Man, Maggie Li Lin Lin, Tai Bo, Leung Chung Hang,
      Fish Liew Chi Yu, Rachel Leung Yung Ting,
      Hui So Ying, Na Mei Kwan, Lee Lai Ha,
      Yu Yuk Wa, Lai Chai Ming
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 93 mins.
  Opening March 28 2024 at the 48th Hong Kong International Film Festival
  Opening May 1 2024
  Site :
  Trailer :

    When her partner Pat unexpectedly dies, Angie is left to worry about the flat in which the couple lived together for over 30 years. Supported by her chosen family, Angie begins a later-life journey into emancipation.

    After her partner's unexpected death, a woman finds herself at the mercy of her partner's family as she struggles to find her balance and dignity while trying to retain the home they shared for over thirty years.


    d. David Leitch
    Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt


  Can : Ngor Joi Jeh Lui Dun Nei
    Terrance Lau Chun Him, FANDY FAN, CHAN TZU HSUAN
  Rating : IIA
  Length : 100 mins.
  Opening May 15 2024
  Trailer :

    Hong Kong writer Tian-Yu, embroiled in a plagiarism controversy, embarks a solo trip to Taipei, seeking solace at the mysterious "Bay of Vanishing Whales" in Taiwan. He unexpectedly befriends A-Xiang, a warm-hearted local gangster. Despite initial doubts, Tian-Yu, drawn to the Bay, joins A-Xiang on an adventure. In A-Xiang's company, Tian-Yu finds inspiration. The smile of A-Xiang lightens Tian-Yu's heart. However, the much-anticipated Kenting Fireworks Festival takes a disappointing turn due to A-Xiang’s absence. Back in Hong Kong, Tian-Yu grapples with moving forward but remains haunted by lingering regret. One day, he realizes that his meeting with A-Xiang is destined, not by chance. With renewed hope, Tian-Yu returns to Taiwan, eagerly anticipating a meaningful reunion.


    d. Mitsuo Fukuda
    Japanese Animation
  Rating : IIA
  Length : 124 mins.
  Opening April 25 2024
  Trailer :

    In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold.


  3 IF
    d. John Krasinski
    Cailey Fleming, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, br />       Fiona Shaw, Louis Gossett Jr., Steve Carell


    d. Wes Ball
    Owen Teague, Freya Allen, Kevin Durand


  AKA : KOWLOON WALLED CITY (Working title)
  Can : Gau Lung Sing Jai Wai Sing
    d. Soi Cheang Po Soi
    Louis Koo Tin Lok, Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Raymond Lam Fung,
      Terrance Lau Chun Him, Richie Jen (Yam Yin Chai),
      Kenny Wong Tak Bun, Philip Ng Won Lung,
      Tony Wu Tsz Tung, German Cheung Man Kit,
      Max Zhang Jin
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 125 mins.
  Opening May 1 2024
  Trailer :

    Set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City, which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong, Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. In the Walled City, he becomes close friends with Shin, Twelfth Master and AV. Under the leadership of Tornado, they resist against the invasion of villain Mr. Big in a series of fierce battles. Together, they vow to protect the safe haven that is Kowloon Walled City.

    Adapted from the award-winning Hong Kong cult manga series "City of Darkness", this action thriller is set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong.

    The walled city is populated by people in the lowest strata of society, among whom are various colorful and kung-fu savvy characters: e.g. a Vietnamese immigrant biding time for revenge, an ex-boxer on the lookout for his kidnapped girlfriend, a katana wielding martial arts boy wonder from Temple Street, as well as a local gang leader and his loyal friend. When the British Hong Kong government tries to demolish the Walled City once and for all with the help of a Triad kingpin and his ruffian underlings, they gather all the residents in the enclave behind them to fight against the invaders and protect their homes and properties