Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Karen Mok hopes to finish the work on her hands and return to film
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Karen Mok earlier ordered around a dozen qipao
courtesy of

Karen Mok has a fondness for qipao, which could feature a beautiful figure
courtesy of

Karen Mok Man Wai attended the opening ceremony of THE ADORNED BODY FRENCH Fashion and Jewelry exhibition as a special guest last night, and she even recorded a trilingual audio tour for the exhibition. Mok Man Wai and Andy Lau Tak Wa starred in the new film FUN SING (LIT: THE BURNING CITY), in which she had to challenge a large number of professional terms in the dialogue. She even had different views with Wa Jai in the film, placing them on opposite sides in an explosion situation and provoking her acting bug that has been dormant for years from not making a movie.

Mok Man Wai said that this time she recorded 3 audio guides in Cantonese, Putonghua and English as introductions for Chinese and foreign audiences. She said with a smile that it was not difficult, as it only took 2 hours to complete. She even enjoyed the process very much, because she often participated in recitation competitions since she was a child and she also loves to recite poetry. This exhibition is related to French fashion and jewelry. Since she is well versed in clothing and jewelry herself, it is very suitable for her.

Mok Man Wai's movie FUN SING (THE BURNING CITY) will be released in the second half of the year. She said that she and Andy Lau Tak Wa have not worked together for nearly 20 years, the last time was in the 2005 movie WAIT 'TIL YOU'RE OLDER (TUNG MUNG KEI YUEN) as Wa Jai's mother. This time in FUN SING she played the role of the acting chief executive. In addition to a large number of professional terms in the dialogue, she and Andy in the film have different views and are in a state of confrontation. The scene is quite explosive. Because the dialogue is more complicated, before filming she has to spend some time to "cram" and memorize the dialogue. She hasn't made a movie for many years. She admitted that her acting bug has been acting up, but in the future she will only consider acting after completing the concert tour.

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