Thursday, July 4, 2024


Joey Yung says that she has taken all the precaution so she is not worried about wardrobe malfunction

Raymond Lam suggests for Chrissie Chau to work and fight together in a new film
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Joey Yung dubs herself the "tape queen".  She has different tape around the world long ago and would not let it ruin the beauty of what she wears 
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Joey Yung says that she and mainland director Li Xuan are friends, clarifies that there is no gossip.  The war of words between their fans is also minor and nothing to be concerned about

Raymond Lam has been rising with TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN and work just keeps on coming.  Chrissie Chau wants to work with Raymond Lam and offers to be in the sequel

Shum Yuet admits that many directors have offered movies to her but so far she has no interest in acting

Shum Yuet calls her mother Chingmy Yau (left) the real goddess
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Music diva Joey Yung Cho Yee yesterday along with artists Raymond Lam Fung, Chrissie Chau Sau Na and others appeared at a label event at Causeway Bay. Recently Joey has been rumored to be in a relationship with female mainland director Li Xuan, which has led their fans into a war of words as suspected Joey fans commented on Li Xuan's Weibo, "I beg you to keep your distance from her." Li Xuan replied, "Maybe you should be a little further." and upset her fans. Joey said, "Actually it's not gossp, we are friends. I feel it's something minor, just needing a little time to digest. No need to be too worried." She has gotten an understanding with her fans, they were all very sensible. Many voices are online, who would know which ones are from real fans. The most important was to be herself. Would she and Li Xuan see each other less to avoid rumors? She said that lately she has been in the mainland less.

Joey said that she used the world's best tape to prevent wardrobe malfunction and was very safe. She was also pleased with her tablet figure and stated that she liked her figure not to be three dimensional. "I still like 2D, haha! In fashion I wouldn't divert other people's attention, so they can focus on appreciation the fashion." In preparation for her concert series in Macau starting on the 13th, Joey after the event would put herself away to rest and get ready. Because of the scheduling conflict with Twins' mainland concert tour, she would not be able to support them but she would try to meet them in England at the end of the year. Speaking of being mistaken for Korean girl group BLACKPINK's Jennie online, Joey asked, "Did you mistype? Maybe because both of our names start with J." She said that she liked Jennie but did not see the resemblance, and joked that she could be Jennie's older cousin.

In addition, Joey earlier worked with Edan Lui Cheuk On on an online music program and even invited him to rehearse. Joey admitted that she was very surprised that the feeling was great, everyone sang and chatted without any generational gap. "Actually I was very nervous, because I rarely sing on online music platforms. (Leo) Ku Kui Ke was the one who asked me to go, but I wanted to be fully prepared before recording. So I asked Edan if he would be interested in rehearsing together. At first he said that he was busy and would rehearse himself. In the end we still got together to rehearse, everyone met and got to know each other. On the next day when we sang together we weren't strangers. When we officially taped we were much better. He is a smart kid, I know he has put in the effort to rehearse and knows how to play the piano on the spot." Joey said that she would like to work with more new generation singers, but everything would depend on fate. She appreciated both moon tang (Tang Hoi Man) and AGA (Kong Hoi Ka) and hoped to have the opportunity to work with them. In her upcoming concert, she would also sing the new song that AGA created for her.

Rising in popularity again with the film TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING), Raymond Lam Fung has been attending different events over the past few months and his wallet has been said to be swollen. He joked that the expense of raising children was enormous. TWILIGHT's Hong Kong and Macau total box office has exceeded HK$ 110 million, another 10 million away from the top spot among Hong KOng films and breaking A GUILTY CONSCIENCE (DUK SIT DAI JONG)'s box office record. Lam Fung said that the film's global cumulative box office has surpassed HK$ 900 million, which he already felt happy about and has exceeded expectation. "Now I hope to continue the hard work, the box office rise would need everyone's support. I very much look forward to the later productions of the sequel and the final chapter to perform even better." Would he feel any pressure? He felt that director Soi Cheang Pou Soi and the film company had even greater pressure. He would turn it into motivation and everything would depend on the director's requests.

Would his fellow guest Chrissie Chau Sau Na like to join the TWILIGHT performance? Lam Fung answered for her, "She can really fight!" Sister Na said, "I can train for action, I have made action films before." Chau Sau Na stated that she liked making action films and felt that they could train her agility. She said that she has watched TWILIGHT and really liked it, as she felt it had a very personal characteristic. Earlier she has made a Cheang Pou Soi produced movie and hoped that they would work together on a movie he would direct. Speaking of her recently completed film production DAI FUN JUNG (BIG SPLIT, tentative title) being forced into night shoots to supposedly accommodate MIRROR member Anson Kong's schedule, she said that the arrangements were made long ago. They had emotional scenes that required additional shoots. Would they have to add "kiss scenes"?  She said, "Kissing is very minor, the most difficult emotional scenes to shoot is how to make two people like each other." Lam Fung joked, "Intimate scenes are also called action scenes!" when asked which "action scenes" Sister Na has made? She joked that her emotional scenes with AK were passionate. "They were already shot, and were very passionate. My arms are all sprained, and I feel sore all over -- because I have to bowl!"

Also on hand was the "Goddess Successor" Shum Yuet. She said that she grew up watching Mama Chingmy Yau Suk Ching's movies and praised Mommy as the world's most beautiful goddess. She also revealed tht she has received many scripts, but her family worried that film production would be too tough on her and turned them all down. She was writing a romantic science fiction screenplay about artificial intelligence and hoped to work toward becoming a screenwriter. As for some suggesting that she should compete in the Miss Hong Kong pageant, she said that she would treat that as a compliment.


Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse team up, hoping to surprise the audience
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The 62 year old Jacky Cheung says that it took him eight years to make a movie.  Eight years later he would be 70.  What kind of movie would he be able to make?

Nicholas Tse also serves as the action director for CUSTOMS FRONTLINE and insists on performing many high-risk stunts himself

Hok Yau plays Ting Fung's boss and has a lot of action scenes

Nicholas Tse spent a year on his chest and abdominal muscle training for the CUSTOMS role

Ting Fung jumps from a hanging container onto a SUV and says that he has practiced the stunt for half a month before hand
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Jacky Cheung Hok Yau has not made a movie in 8 years. This time he performed in CUSTOMS FRONTLINE (HOI GUAN JIN SIN) all because of Nicholas Tse Ting Fung. The character he played in the film was a high-functioning bipolar disorder patient. Hok Yau revealed that he had suffered from depression symptoms in the past, so he could use his own experience to perform; In addition to performing this time, Ting Fung also served as the action director. He performed all the action scenes personally in his best condition, no wonder director Herman Yau Lai To had to add a last minute "shirt removal" scene to show off his fit figure.

Eight years after the movie HELIOS (CHET DOH), Cheung Hok Yau performed in CUSTOMS FRONTLINE (HOI GUAN JIN SIN). He pointed out that he and Ting Fung have collaborated in BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS (SUP YUET WAI SING), but he was done as soon as he appeared, so he did not meet most of the actors. Ting Fung also recalled that they passed each other on the set of HOT SUMMER DAYS (CHUEN SING YIT LUEN YIT LAT LAT) without officially acting opposite each other. Hok Yau stared at Ting Fung and said, "I accepted this role for Ting Fung. I haven't made a movie in 8 years. When I returned to the set, I was happy to see a lot of people; but at first, I felt a bit strange when filming and very different from those of them who were so natural."

This time being able to work officially with Hok Yau, Ting Fung truly was very pleased. Hok Yau was even willing to sing the film theme song VERY FAR PLACE, which Ting Fung composed. Why did Ting Fung not sing with Hok Yau? He said, "I wouldn't dare. I couldn't sing it. It's not my genre." Hok Yau revealed that Ting Fung has said if the film would perform well at the box office, he would sing it once live.

Hok Yau joked that the director "forced" him to play a senior customs inspector suffering from high-functioning bipolar disorder. He revealed that this time he drew on his own experience to get into the role. "City people all have some depression, so I have looked into symptoms that are similar to mine like being short of breath and feeling like a big rock was pressing against the chest. Most were aftermath of some major evens or concerts." He too was uncertain whether the appearance of these symptoms were due to depression after a concert, but he has tried to force himself to eat something despite having no appetite. Hok Yau already exercised regularly, has it helped? He said, "I don't know if I am hyperactive. When I can't breathe, I feel particularly want to move so I can focus on something else. In fact, when I was younger, I often couldn't breathe so I couldn't sleep. It felt like claustrophobia when I had to go outside. I have also waken up but couldn’t go back to sleep." When asked if Hok Yau has sought medical treatment, he laughed and said, "I haven't, because I am afraid of being called crazy. Now that I am older, I am not afraid of talking about it!"

Hok Yau performed for Ting Fung, and Ting Fung also specifically came up with stunts for Hok Yau. Ting Fung was full of praise for Hok Yau's hand-to-hand combat scene with a baton. He said that he knew his co-star loved to play tennis, so he specifically designed the fight scene for him. "I thought wielding a baton would be natural for him." Hok Yau joked that a few of the moves were indeed similar to playing tennis, but in terms of performance, this was Ting Fung's specialty as he performed 90% of the fights. Hok Yau in return praised Ting Fung for being an even better fighter. "He's so skilled, even if I would knock him down, it would have just been forced." However, Hok Yau was called "the copy machine" on the set because of his high comprehension skills and able to perform what he just learned. The stunt team once planned to spend 8 hours on an action scene, but he only took 4 hours to complete it. Hok Yau made fun of himself as he received praise. "They took my age into consideration. They thought the shoot would a little time so they put time on the schedule, but it was just a few moves; so I finished the shoot very quickly."

When asked Ting Fung if he thought Hok Yau had the potential to be an action actor? Ting Fung said that when he saw Hok Yau performing a split in concert he knew Hok Yau had the potential. Hok Yau defended himself that he was once an action actor, and there were no stunt double at that time. However, Hok Yau did not want to be an action actor anymore. If he said that he was good at action 30 years ago, it would be useless now. What other roles would he want to play? Jacky said he neither wanted to try, nor was he eager to win an award. "I don't have much time left, so I would choose singing. I want to focus on one thing. I have only made a movie in 8 years, in another 8 I will be in my 70s or 80s later. What kind of movie would I be able to make? I won't be able to work Ting Fung's martial arts action, so I want to do what I like or am good at." Ting Fung threw himself into his action performance, among which were many dangerous scenes. He pointed out that he has filmed the on fire scene in previous movies, so it was not as dangerous as the major scene of the hanging container. He pointed out that the filming was more complicated, as many infrastructure props weighed almost over a ton and the ship was very heavy. "If I fell off the platform I would be bruised and broken, but if something that weighed a ton smashed over there would definitely be problems. We all had to be careful. We practiced that scene for half a month, but due to rain we only filmed it for two minutes."

Ting Fung has become addicted to being an action director. He recently collaborated with Andy Lau Tak Wa in RAGING HAVOC (NO FOR MAN YIN) and continued to work even harder as an action director. Because CUSTOMS FRONTLINE was about customs officers, the action was a bit "restrained"; but the filming was relatively human. In the film his character was very principled and did not like to communicate with others. Ting Fung bluntly said that the character's personality was very similar to his own as he did not like to be with other people either, but as an action director he had to communicate with the whole team. However when actors were able to meet his demands and present the the desired picture for the audience to enjoy, he indeed had a great sense of satisfaction. Ting Fung has developed a lot of muscles earlier, so the director specifically arranged for a shirt-removing scene for him. Ting Fung said with a smile, "I wasn't training on purpose. Since the shoot ran into the epidemic, I naturally became thinner. The director during the shoot suddenly told me I would have to take off my shirt later." Ho Yau laughed and pointed out that he has not seen Ting Fung's abdominal muscles, and even reached out to touch him. Ting Fung laughed and said that keeping them would be very difficult, now he would probably only have one pack left. Hok Yau smiled and said, "Wow, they are still there. I felt that there are three layers! I have never thought about showing up muscles in my entire life, nor have I ever thought about relying on my acting skills. I only plan to rely on my voice and blab!"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

[2024.07.03] FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 30 2024

For The week ending June 30 2024


    d. Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah
    Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig,
      Paola Nunez, Eric Dane


  Can : Gung Hoi Si Dong Jun
  Lit : Open Trial and Error
    d. Leung Yik Ho
    Hui Yin, Tung Ngai Hong, Lam Yik Yan
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 90 mins.
  Opening June 5 2024 (Preview)
  Opening July 4 2024
  Trailer :

    How challenging is the Hong Kong university entrance exam? Is failing it the end of the world? Popular Youtube Channel "Trial and Error" spent 8 mnonths documenting the journey of Hong, an exam candidte who does not give much thought to his future. With the help offered by the team, will Hong be able to make up for the lost time and secure a spot in an university?


    d. Pablo Berger


    d. Pat Boonnitipat
    Billkin, Usha Seamkhum, Tu Tontawan
  Rating : I
  Length : 127 mins.
  Opening June 13 2024

    'M', driven by the desire for a multimillion-dollar inheritance, puts aside his dreams as a hopeful game caster to care for his terminally ill grandmother. However, winning Grandma's favor is no easy feat. She proves to be a tough nut to crack - demanding, exacting, and exceedingly difficult to please. To add to the drama, he's not the only one gunning for the inheritance. M finds himself embroiled in a gripping competition, where he must go to great lengths to become the apple of Grandma's eye before time runs out, all in pursuit of a life-changing, multimillion-dollar inheritance.


    d. Mark Dindal
    English Voices: Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson


  AKA : KOWLOON WALLED CITY (Working title)
  Can : Gau Lung Sing Jai Wai Sing
    d. Soi Cheang Po Soi
    Louis Koo Tin Lok, Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Raymond Lam Fung,
      Terrance Lau Chun Him, Richie Jen (Yam Yin Chai),
      Kenny Wong Tak Bun, Philip Ng Won Lung,
      Tony Wu Tsz Tung, German Cheung Man Kit,
      Max Zhang Jin
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 125 mins.
  Opening May 1 2024
  Trailer :

    Set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City, which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong, Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. In the Walled City, he becomes close friends with Shin, Twelfth Master and AV. Under the leadership of Tornado, they resist against the invasion of villain Mr. Big in a series of fierce battles. Together, they vow to protect the safe haven that is Kowloon Walled City.

    Adapted from the award-winning Hong Kong cult manga series "City of Darkness", this action thriller is set in the eighties inside the dangerous and enigmatic Kowloon Walled City which was a de jure Chinese enclave within British colonial Hong Kong.

    The walled city is populated by people in the lowest strata of society, among whom are various colorful and kung-fu savvy characters: e.g. a Vietnamese immigrant biding time for revenge, an ex-boxer on the lookout for his kidnapped girlfriend, a katana wielding martial arts boy wonder from Temple Street, as well as a local gang leader and his loyal friend. When the British Hong Kong government tries to demolish the Walled City once and for all with the help of a Triad kingpin and his ruffian underlings, they gather all the residents in the enclave behind them to fight against the invaders and protect their homes and properties


    d. Michael Sarnoski
    Lupita Nyong'o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou


  Can : Tam Poon Juen Ga
  Lit : Negotiation Expert
    d. Herman Yau Lai To
    Sean Lau Ching Wan, Francis Ng Chun Yu,
      Michael Miu Kiu Wai, Philip Keung Ho Man, Kent Cheng Juk Si,
      Michael Chow Man Kin, Wong Yau Nam, Cherrie Ngan Cheuk Ling,
      Chu Pak Him, Chu Kam Yin, Yeung Wai Lun
      Timmy Hung Tin Ming, Kenny Wong Tak Bun, Adam Pak Tin Nam,
      Ken Low Wai Kwong,
  Rating : IIB
  Length : 120 mins.
  Opening June 13 2024
  Trailer :

    Negotiator expert Cheuk Man Wai unexpectedly becomes the prime suspect in a murder case. Forced into a corner, he occupies the police station, taking officers hostage, and demands negotiations with the former negotiator Tse Ka Chun. With Tse's expertise in psychological manipulation and Check's exceptional skills, they engage in a battle of wits. As the verbal sparring deepens, their positions and mindsets gradually change...

    This film is adapted from the American movie "The Negotiator".


    d. Chris Renaud
    Illumination Animation
    English Voices: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Pierre Coffin,
      Joey King, Mirand Cosgrove, Stephen Colbert, Sofia Vergara,
      Steve Coogan, Chris Renaud, Madison Polan, Dana Gaier,
      Chloe Fineman, Will Ferrell


    d. Kelsey Mann
    Disney Pixar Animation
    English Voices: Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke,
      Kensington Tallman, Liza Lapira, Tony Hale, Lewis Black,
      Phyllis Smith, Ayo Edebiri, Lilimar, Grace Lu,
      Sumayyah Nuriddin-Green, Adele Exarchopoulos
      Diane Lane, Kyle MacLachlan, Paul Walter Hauser
    Cantonese Voices: Ivana Wong Yuen Chi, Ivy So Nga Lam,
      Ah Jeng (Wong Ching Yi), Jeffrey Ngai Chun Sun, LaiYing Tang,
      Gigi Cheung Man Chi, Harriet Yeung Sze Man,
      Ram Chiang Chi Kwong, Benz Hui Siu Hung


For the week starting Saturday, June 29 2024 (Week 27)


  Can : Ga Si
  Jeffrey Ngai Chun Sun


  Can : Yun Gan Lap Sap
  Charmaine Fong Ho Man, Poki Ng

  2 REST
  Can : Tau
  Jason Chan Pak Yu feat. Yellow!

  1 9.9S
  Can : Gau Miu Gau
  Joey Yung Cho Yi


The Edan Lui International Fan Club's endless gossip has become quite a headache for his fans

Edan Lui has to take a picture on the rare occasion of running into W0LF(S)
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Edan Lui's manager is trying to get further understanding of what is happening with his fan club
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Edan Lui confirms the collaboration with producer Philip Yung but has yet to reveal what the role would be

Mainland actor Zhang Songwen would reportedly play Auyeung Bing Keung
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Occurred in the 1970s, the "Carton Hidden Corpse Case"'s Auyeung Bing Keung has been revealed to have died of illness two years ago and drew attention online. This sensational case has been adapted on screens big and small many times. The PORT OF CALL (DAP HUET CHUM MUI) director and THE SPARING PARTNER (JING YI WUI LONG) producer Philip Yung Tsz Yung would once again be the producer for "The Case of the Corpse Hidden in a Cardboard Box". It is reported that the film is in production now, with directed Tam Kwong Yuen, the screenwriter of THE SPARRING PARTNER. The cast includes Zhang Songwen, the actor of the mainland drama THE KNOCKOUT, and MIRROR member Edan Lui Cheuk On. Alfred Cheung Kin Ting would also participate in the filming and play an important role.

When Edan attended an event in May and discussed work, he revealed that he accepted a new movie role with a lot of emotional scenes. It would be a big challenge. Yesterday he responded to the media through his manager, confirming his participation in this film. He expressed that he was looking forward to working with producer Yung Tsz Kwong, but the role Edan would play remained a mystery. As for Zhang Songwen, he came to Hong Kong for filming in June already when his whereabouts were revealed on Weibo. It is rumored that he would play the role of Auyeung Bing Keung.

In addition, Edan's fan support club Edan Lui International Fan Club was disbanded due to internal strife since its establishment. Recently, the fan support club posted an announcement on social networks, stating that the relevant social platforms will be deactivated and closed, and the website will also be deleted. As for the support funds, they will be discussed transfer with the new team. It was reported that the support club had been disbanded three times, which made Jeuk Si (fan nickname) feel helpless. Someone questioned in the Telegram group that the whereabouts of nearly 10 million in membership fees, which caused heated discussions again. Edan's manager was trying to get an understanding of the matter, and pointed out that the fan club issued a notice due to the expiration of membership, and was not disbanding for a third time.


Soi Cheang, Yu Yi, John Chong and Tony Wu attend an audience appreciation event 
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On the day of the KITEC farewell, director Soi Cheang, producer John Chong and creator Yu Yi attend an audience appreciation event at the Metroplex 

TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN has set the highest attendance record for a Hong Kong film
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The movie TWILIGHT OF THE WARRORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING) has been in release for 62 days so far. According to the Hong Kong Box Office Co. Ltd.'s 2024 mid-year report, TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN that has repeatedly achieved great results has the highest attendance record for a Hong Kong movie since 2013 when the record keeping began. Its admission reached 1,598,773 people (as of June 30, 2024). It has also become the second highest attendance record for Chinese and foreign films in history, and is expected to reach a new high. The film has been in release for 62 days. As of June 30, its total box office in Hong Kong and Macau recorded HK$ 109,782,568, approaching the box office mark of HK$110 million.

On the farewell day of the Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Center, the TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN producer John Chong Ching, director Soi Cheang Pou Soi, and the original novel author Yu Yi went to the Cinema City the Metroplex that has operated at the KITEC for 10 years to express their gratitude to the audience. It also became the last screening of the Metroplex. The day of the audience appreciation event was particularly meaningful. The team took a group photo with hundreds of viewers on hand. Cheang Pou Soi said, "I have experienced many premieres here, and I sometimes have test screenings here. This place is slated for reconstruction and of course I am reluctant to leave; like our movie 'can't leave but can't stay either', this is the characteristic of Hong Kong."

The director also shared many little secrets from the film, saying that the script kept being adjusted during filming. Cheang Pou Soi revealed that the Four Sons of the Walled City conceived the idea of their move against Wong Gau. At first he yelled at them, asking how would they shoot with a sword in the mouth? Then after further consideration it was actually viable. Cheang Pou Soi said that despite what happened to the Louis Koo Tin Lok played Tornado, he hoped that the entire team would contain the spirit of Tornado and thus "tornado" appeared at the most wonderful moment and turned the situation around. "A strong gust of wind swept up a very large piece of cloth, this design made us realize that despite the absence of people their spirit would remain."

In addition, the top five highest-grossing movies in Hong Kong in the first half of the year were also announced yesterday. They included TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN, TABLE FOR SIX 2 (FAN HEI GUNG SUM 2), THE MOON THIEVES (DOH YUET JEH), WE 12 (12 GWAI DOH) and ROB N ROLL (LUM SI GIP ONG).


Jacky Cheung is capable of more than singing, his agility should not be overlooked

Jacky Cheung learns about guns before taking his position
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Hok Yau exceeds expectations in the action scenes and is praised for his professionalism
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Singer Jacky Cheung Hok Yau challenged a series of action scenes in his new film, and was praised by his partner and action director Nicholas Tse Ting Fung for his agility. However, Hok Yau joked that he would choose to shoot a lighter comedy next time. While promoting in the mainland, fans set Ting Fung up to put his romance with Faye Wong on the stage!

Cheung Hok Yau accepted the physical challenge in the Emperor Motion Picture CUSTOMS FRONTLINE (HOI GUAN JIN SIN), which would open this Friday (5th). He was assigned to shoot a shootout scene on his first day at work. Before getting into position, Hok Yau asked the on-site firearms and demolition instructor to learn about shooting, drawing, and positioning. Afterwards, he practiced back and forth with the action instructor. Ting Fung could not help but admire the senior's professionalism and agility.

"Brother Hok Yau's movements are actually very agile. Look at him: the sequence of kneeling down, then getting up and shooting is very crisp, only he hasn't often made fight scenes like we do; he has to warm up first, but he picks it up very quickly.

The weather on the day of filming was hot and during the epidemic, so Hok Yau not only put on a full customs uniform, but also had to wear a mask during rehearsal -- which was extremely strenuous. He drank water from time to time to cool down to avoid heatstroke. During the official filming, Jacky had very high demands for himself. After every shot, he hurriedly asked Ting Fung and the director if there was room for improvement. Upon hearing this, Ting Fung teased Hok Yau, "Don't worry, we can speed up your movements by 3 frames (referring to the film speed) and then you'll be fine!" After hearing this, Hok Yau laughed and said, "I will be better off making comedy in the future, it will be much easier!" Ting Fung bluntly said that Hok Yau's performance had zero problem, only that he was too demanding. As for Michelle Wai Sze Nga, who has been stealing lessons on the set, she could not help but praise, "Brother Hok Yau is really nimble in his movements. He has to run in front of the flames, and the explosive atmosphere of the scene is very intense for me to watch!"

Hok Yau revealed that in CUSTOMS the dramatic and action scenes were very evenly, and both are extremely challenging. Fortunately, he ran into his professional co-stars Karena Lam Ka Yan and Ting Fung, who was able to quickly engage in and complete every scene. "Of course all the fighting and killing fall to Ting Fung, but he as the action director is really competent and thoughtful. He designed and guided every move I made, making me feel like I was really good at it; as for Ka Yan, we have worked together countless times and continued to have a good understanding. I have several emotional scene interpretation that also required some time to prepare for emotionally. Because the character in the film was a person with a darker side, it was a highly difficult challenge for me. At the moment of completion, , I was very satisfied and relieved!"

In addition, Ting Fung recently went on a promotional tour in the mainland for CUSTOMS and discussed production details. Some fans took the opportunity to sing a chorus in the theater to urge him to hold a concert. Some female fans also brought up the relationship between Ting Fung and Faye Wong during the Q and A session, asking the idol how he would handle it if his girlfriend and his boss had an antagonistic relationship. After Ting Fung answered seriously, the fan said, "I believe Sister Fei (Faye Wong) and Boss Yeung (Albert Yang Sau Sing) will really like Brother Fung's answer very much." Upon hearing this, Ting Fung turned his head and laughed wildly. He said, "There is no way to escape this pit."