Thursday, July 4, 2024


Joey Yung says that she has taken all the precaution so she is not worried about wardrobe malfunction

Raymond Lam suggests for Chrissie Chau to work and fight together in a new film
courtesy of

Joey Yung dubs herself the "tape queen".  She has different tape around the world long ago and would not let it ruin the beauty of what she wears 
courtesy of

Joey Yung says that she and mainland director Li Xuan are friends, clarifies that there is no gossip.  The war of words between their fans is also minor and nothing to be concerned about

Raymond Lam has been rising with TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN and work just keeps on coming.  Chrissie Chau wants to work with Raymond Lam and offers to be in the sequel

Shum Yuet admits that many directors have offered movies to her but so far she has no interest in acting

Shum Yuet calls her mother Chingmy Yau (left) the real goddess
courtesy of

Music diva Joey Yung Cho Yee yesterday along with artists Raymond Lam Fung, Chrissie Chau Sau Na and others appeared at a label event at Causeway Bay. Recently Joey has been rumored to be in a relationship with female mainland director Li Xuan, which has led their fans into a war of words as suspected Joey fans commented on Li Xuan's Weibo, "I beg you to keep your distance from her." Li Xuan replied, "Maybe you should be a little further." and upset her fans. Joey said, "Actually it's not gossp, we are friends. I feel it's something minor, just needing a little time to digest. No need to be too worried." She has gotten an understanding with her fans, they were all very sensible. Many voices are online, who would know which ones are from real fans. The most important was to be herself. Would she and Li Xuan see each other less to avoid rumors? She said that lately she has been in the mainland less.

Joey said that she used the world's best tape to prevent wardrobe malfunction and was very safe. She was also pleased with her tablet figure and stated that she liked her figure not to be three dimensional. "I still like 2D, haha! In fashion I wouldn't divert other people's attention, so they can focus on appreciation the fashion." In preparation for her concert series in Macau starting on the 13th, Joey after the event would put herself away to rest and get ready. Because of the scheduling conflict with Twins' mainland concert tour, she would not be able to support them but she would try to meet them in England at the end of the year. Speaking of being mistaken for Korean girl group BLACKPINK's Jennie online, Joey asked, "Did you mistype? Maybe because both of our names start with J." She said that she liked Jennie but did not see the resemblance, and joked that she could be Jennie's older cousin.

In addition, Joey earlier worked with Edan Lui Cheuk On on an online music program and even invited him to rehearse. Joey admitted that she was very surprised that the feeling was great, everyone sang and chatted without any generational gap. "Actually I was very nervous, because I rarely sing on online music platforms. (Leo) Ku Kui Ke was the one who asked me to go, but I wanted to be fully prepared before recording. So I asked Edan if he would be interested in rehearsing together. At first he said that he was busy and would rehearse himself. In the end we still got together to rehearse, everyone met and got to know each other. On the next day when we sang together we weren't strangers. When we officially taped we were much better. He is a smart kid, I know he has put in the effort to rehearse and knows how to play the piano on the spot." Joey said that she would like to work with more new generation singers, but everything would depend on fate. She appreciated both moon tang (Tang Hoi Man) and AGA (Kong Hoi Ka) and hoped to have the opportunity to work with them. In her upcoming concert, she would also sing the new song that AGA created for her.

Rising in popularity again with the film TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN (GAU LUNG SING JAI JI WAI SING), Raymond Lam Fung has been attending different events over the past few months and his wallet has been said to be swollen. He joked that the expense of raising children was enormous. TWILIGHT's Hong Kong and Macau total box office has exceeded HK$ 110 million, another 10 million away from the top spot among Hong KOng films and breaking A GUILTY CONSCIENCE (DUK SIT DAI JONG)'s box office record. Lam Fung said that the film's global cumulative box office has surpassed HK$ 900 million, which he already felt happy about and has exceeded expectation. "Now I hope to continue the hard work, the box office rise would need everyone's support. I very much look forward to the later productions of the sequel and the final chapter to perform even better." Would he feel any pressure? He felt that director Soi Cheang Pou Soi and the film company had even greater pressure. He would turn it into motivation and everything would depend on the director's requests.

Would his fellow guest Chrissie Chau Sau Na like to join the TWILIGHT performance? Lam Fung answered for her, "She can really fight!" Sister Na said, "I can train for action, I have made action films before." Chau Sau Na stated that she liked making action films and felt that they could train her agility. She said that she has watched TWILIGHT and really liked it, as she felt it had a very personal characteristic. Earlier she has made a Cheang Pou Soi produced movie and hoped that they would work together on a movie he would direct. Speaking of her recently completed film production DAI FUN JUNG (BIG SPLIT, tentative title) being forced into night shoots to supposedly accommodate MIRROR member Anson Kong's schedule, she said that the arrangements were made long ago. They had emotional scenes that required additional shoots. Would they have to add "kiss scenes"?  She said, "Kissing is very minor, the most difficult emotional scenes to shoot is how to make two people like each other." Lam Fung joked, "Intimate scenes are also called action scenes!" when asked which "action scenes" Sister Na has made? She joked that her emotional scenes with AK were passionate. "They were already shot, and were very passionate. My arms are all sprained, and I feel sore all over -- because I have to bowl!"

Also on hand was the "Goddess Successor" Shum Yuet. She said that she grew up watching Mama Chingmy Yau Suk Ching's movies and praised Mommy as the world's most beautiful goddess. She also revealed tht she has received many scripts, but her family worried that film production would be too tough on her and turned them all down. She was writing a romantic science fiction screenplay about artificial intelligence and hoped to work toward becoming a screenwriter. As for some suggesting that she should compete in the Miss Hong Kong pageant, she said that she would treat that as a compliment.

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