Saturday, August 17, 2024


Fok Gor, Susan Shaw and Suet E attend the movie THE HUNT FOR NIGHT STALKER press conference
courtesy of

Susan Shaw Yam Yam, Fok Gor (Jeffrey Fok Chun Bong) and Suet E went to Causeway Bay yesterday to attend the press conference of the movie THE HUNT FOR NIGHT STALKER (YU YEH TOH FU). In the film, Fok Gor played Lam Kwok Yan, the rainy night butcher, and Suet E played the victim he dismembered. The roles required her back to be exposed, and for the two to have some physical contact. They said they have already filmed several scenes. Since everyone was concentrating on acting they did not feel embarrassed. Fok Gor never thought about participating in this film because he did not get the role through an audition. When he had a conversation with director Tang Tung Ming, the director felt that he had a dark feelings so he was invited to perform. "When the director said this, I don't know whether I should be happy or not. I have never played a murderer, and there were dismemberment scenes. I read a lot of psychological books about murderers and watched dismemberment films beforehand. These films were very bloody, and I really felt like vomiting when I first watched them." Speaking of the subject clash with the Yan Ting Chow directed YU YEH JI TOH, which also had Lam Gor Wan as the subject, Fok Gor said that he did not mind and believed the story and production angles would be different.

Shaw Yam Yam played Fok Gor's grandma. Because of her disappointment with her grandson and shocked that a girl was dismembered, she had many scenes where she cried excitedly. "This case was very sensational at that time, and it cast a shadow on all women in Hong Kong. They were afraid to go out at night and take taxis, including me; I didn't go out unnecessarily. If I worked until early in the morning, I would rather sleep in the dressing room until the sunrise. Not only was I afraid of taking a taxi alone at night, but it was also convenient for starting work early in the morning." Yesterday was Hung ry Ghost Festival and also Shaw Yam Yam's birthday on the lunar calendar. The film company presented a cake to celebrate. Shaw Yam Yam said, "I have always celebrated my birthday on the Lunar July 15th. Two years ago, my mother told me that she was born on the Lunar July 14th in her death bed. She was afraid that others would say I was an unlucky person, so she kept this secret for decades."

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