Saturday, June 10, 2023


Tiger is praised for his leadership abilities, which makes him very suitable to direct

Lokman in the film has many action scenes
courtesy of

The MIRROR member Tiger Yau directed short film TODAY'S SPECIAL (SI YUT JING SUEN) would officially open. He admitted that he has become addicting to filmmaking and has already begun planning his next project. Would he like to make music videos for his MIRROR brethren? He joked, "They have to ask, it's not like I have any say in that; and music video and feature film have two different starting points. Music videos have to be very commercialized, but feature film might not need to be. The methods and systems to make them are very different, but I very much look forward to the brothers asking me. I would give me all to do it."

As the short film's lead actor Lokman praised Tiger for being able to lead the entire team, which made the collaboration very comfortable. In the film he had car chases and fights, which he said was his weakness. "I am very afraid of hurting people." Group mates Jeremy, Anson Kong and Frankie also took part and played robbers. Jeremy even let go of his idol baggage and let foul language fly.

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