Despite his injury Anson Lo still runs like mad |
When the camera stops rolling, Anson Lo leans against a vehicle to rest |
Anson Lo rushes to get treated after work |
Edan Lui also takes part in the shoot |
Anson Lo waves to the fans courtesy of on.cc |
Anson Lo puts his arms around Edan Lui and uses him as his "human crutch" courtesy of singtao.com |
The pain is all over Anson Lo's face after the run. He then sits in the vehicle to continue the shoot |
Fans show their support for their idol
All of MIRROR shoot a video to cheer on students who are taking the DSE courtesy of mingpao.com |
Anson Lo has been known for working hard. Two nights ago
while working on the film WE 12 (12 GWAI DOH) he had an accident during
a fight scene, leaving him with a left kneecap injury. He did not ask
to stop working immediately, but after toughing out a few more takes
he finally could not hold out any longer, needed to stop and rushed
home to rest. However with two films on hand he did not dare to take
time off. After resting for several hours he worked on the Emperor
Motion Picture DOH YUET JEH (MOON THIEVES) with fellow MIRROR member
Edan Lui Cheuk On. Due to the severity of his injury he had to slow
down even when he got out of a vehicle and appeared to be in a lot of
pain. Yet when he shot his running scenes he was still fully
immersed, as he and Edan looked for a post office truck in a panic.
When they saw the truck pass by they ran. With his injury he
performed while trying to hide his pain.
When not in the shoot, Anson Lo had painful expressions.
Aside from limping along while walking, he often had his hand on his
waist. After finishing each shot, he would hold on to Edan tight to
rest. Edan was glad to be his "human crutch".
Aside from the car chase, Anson Lo also had a scene in which
he got into a vehicle and held the driver at gunpoint. Many fans
were waiting on the set. When the vehicle drove out of the parking
lot, Anson Lo lowered the window and waved to the fans.
During the shoot yesterday, not only "human crutch" Edan often
helped his group mate but the crew also took great care of Anson Lo.
Whenever the cameras stopped they would bring out a chair for him to
sit and rest. Manager Sister Fa personally carried an umbrella for
him and remained by his side. Around 4PM everyone left the location.
Anson Lo yesterday morning still posted on social media, "Over
40 hours of two sided productions begin." As he would challenge his
personal limits, he said, "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful
destinations." He encouraged himself with this, but the injury was
getting worse and worse. Yesterday afternoon he went to a Chinese
medical practitioner for help and updated his social media with the
latest news. He revealed that he got hurt two nights ago and thus
left work earlier than scheduled, for which he felt very guilty.
Yesterday he used his greatest tolerance for pain to finish the car
chase and the truck scenes. After getting treated, he was told that
he would be fine in a few days. Because of his injury, the production
team has already cancelled the originally nonstop shoots so he could
focus on resting. He said, "Thank you to the entire team for their
understanding. At the same time I have troubled everyone. I am
sorry." He also pointed out that he would shoot the dramatic scene
first and told fans to relax. Although he was injured he would not
forget to care about the fans and told them to take care.
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