Monday, November 11, 2013


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Ekin Cheng tears up when he thanks Gigi Lai

Angela Tong, Tina, Cherrie Ying, Gigi Lai, Yoyo Mung
Chin Kar Lok trips
Charmaine Sheh, Angela Tong, Toby Leung, Janet Chow
courtesy of

Dior Cheng Yi Kin, Jordan Chan Siu Chun, Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung, Michael Tse Tin Wa and Chin Kar Lok's concert had its last show two nights ago. Ekin has always hoped "Smartie" Gigi Lai Chi would attend. Two nights ago she finally did. When Ekin publicly thanked Lai Chi he was teary eyed. The "YOUNG AND DANGEROUS wives" Yoyo Mung Ka Wai, Angela Tong Ying Ying, Cherrie Ying Choi Yi and Tina even accompanied Lai Chi to the audience, while Lily Hong Chi Nei sang harmony. 5 "Wise Guys" continued to serenade their wives and blew kisses to each other. They even showed off this muscles to please the crowd except Siu Chun. When Chin Kar Lok played SAME SECOND he said that he wanted to dedicate it to his other half Tong Ying Ying and his second wife (daughter) Chin Hoi Ching. Ying Ying appeared with their daughter in her arms. Little Hoi Ching wore sunglasses and earphones.

After retirement Lai Chi has been absent from show business, thus her appearance surprised Ekin. During "encore" the quintet thanked Lai Chi. Chin Kar Lok dragged Ekin to the front and said, "Ekin was so nervous because he hasn't seen Smartie in a long time." Ekin said to Lai Chi, teary eyed, "We know each other from the movie, you were a guest at my first concert. You came to my rescue for my first show in Shanghai! When yours truly was little he didn't know how to say appreciative words, I sincerely thank you! Thank you for coming!"

Reporters asked Ekin why he was on the verge of tears when he thanked Lai Chi. He said, "We haven't seen each other in a long time! She could just not come, but she even stayed for the whole show. She truly is loving and honorable! This time Lam Hiu Tung first sent her a text message, then my wife asked her to dinner. Finally she came!"

Before the performance two nights ago, Chin Kar Lok carefully stepped into a gap between the stage and dropped to his knees. Luckily he was fine. Later the quintet recalled their YOUNG AND DANGEROUS (GOO WAT JAI) highlight, everyone kept making fun of Siu Chun had to "order chicken" in the film. They glanced at Ying Choi Yi then told Siu Chun to be careful. Lam Hiu Fung even joked, "His wife is understanding, but when he goes home he is dead for sure!" Siu Chun was fuming afterward.

Lam Hiu Fung recalled that when they made the Macau bridge chase a car almost knocked him down, luckily Tse Tin Wa grabbed him. Later he read Hong Chi Nei's online message, which moved his wife to tears. When they performed FRIENDSHIP AG, Ekin, Tse Tin Wa, Chin Kar Lok, Lam Hiu Fung all showed off their chest, only Siu Chun kept his shirt on. During the second "encore" the audience refused to let the show end. Siu Chun suddenly kept screaming "Leung Chun Ying" like he was protesting, Chin Kar Lok immediately rushed up to calm him down. Siu Chun asked, "Isn't that the way?" Chin Kar Lok said, "No, you should chant Law Kar Ying!"

At the celebration, Siu Chun admitted that he was upset about being made fun because he saw children in the audience. The topic was not too appropriate. Chin Kar Lok said, "Then we will change it into screwing around in part II." Ekin continued to joke, "Tomorrow's headline will be Chan Siu Chun orders chicken!" Why did Siu Chun keep his shirt on? Ekin revealed that he did not work out. Siu Chun said, "From day one I already said, I am not a duck (gigolo), why would I remove my shirt?" Chin Kar Lok asked, "Are you talking about us?" Siu Chun replied, "No! During rehearsal we never rehearsed that, how would I know you would strip. Embarrassed? Why would I be!" Ekin pointed out that Ying Choi Yi prohibited Siu Chun from taking off his clothes. Kar Lok chimed in, "His wife is the boss!"

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