Friday, October 4, 2013


Lawrence Ko, Isabella Leong, Joseph Chang
courtesy of

The 25 year old Isabella Leong Lok Si returned to the film industry and starred in the Sylvia Chang (Cheung Ngai Ga) directed new film LIM LIM. At the same time sh was rumored to be in a relationship with Cheung Ngai Ga's 22 year old son Oscar Wong Ling Chun for a year. Yesterday LIM LIM had a media visit, Leong Lok Si when asked about rumors with Wong Ling Chun did not denied it. She only said, "Save personal questions for next time."

Reporters showed vacation photos of Leong Lok Si and Wong Ling Chun in Toronto and London to Leong Lok Si to confirm his identity. She was somewhat surprised after looking at them. "Save personal questions for next time." She did not deny anything but she did not confirm that they were on holiday in Canada and England.

Leong Lok Si is the mother of three sons. In LIM LIM she and Joseph Chang (Cheung Hau Chuen) are in love and have a 3 year old daughter. She admitted that when she saw the girl she would be reminded of her own children, but her children were still little and could not use mobile phone to communicate. She also was reluctant to reveal how she was staying in contact with her children. Leong Lok Si earlier supposedly bought a little guitar in Taiwan and already brought it to Hong Kong to her children. Will she play it with her son? Leong Lok Si smiled and avoided the topic, "Let's talk about the movie!"

As for earlier a magazine caught her smoking, Leong Lok Si stressed that the story required it. She was not afraid of smoking's effect on her health. "Friends even made fun of me and said that it didn't look like me at all. My character has depression so she has to smoke a lot. However I don't know how to smoke. The director wants me to learn and everyone on the set were teaching me how to inhale and exhale." Leong Lok Si recalled her first experience. "Smoking stinks, and I end up coughing. One day at most I would smoke 3 cigarettes to practice." Speaking of how she would quit smoking, Leong Lok Si said that eating made her feel better. Her favorites were red beans and custard wheel cakes.

Leong Lok Si has retired from film for 7 years and was rumored to be very rusty and had frequent bad takes. Playing an artist she yesterday shot a book signing scene, the numerous bad takes were due to the extras being out of place. Cheung Ngai Ga patiently instructed them. Leong Lok Si said, "The shoot has turned the time for rest upside down, I have brought my homemade winter melon tea to lower the temper. I played an unhealthy girl, now my body isn't too great either. Everyday I seem to have a personality split and I haven't slept well."

6 years ago after she made the Tsui Hark directed MISSING (SUM HOI CHUM YUN) she suddenly lost contact during the promotional period. Tsui Hark earlier said that he was "waiting for her to find me". Leong Lok Si responded, "Uh......waiting for me to find him? I have been making a movie all along, lately I really am very busy."

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