Monday, March 18, 2013


Michelle Yeoh wears a suspected wedding ring to accept the award
Mabel Cheung, Yuen Woo Ping, Corey Yuen and Sammo Hung decide who would present the award to Michelle Yeoh with rock, scissors and paper
courtesy of

Michelle Yeoh (Yeung Chi King) won the Excellence in Asian Cinema award. She tearfully said, "I waited for this award for a long time. I started in 1984 and I was very young. After 20 years I have worked with many excellent people. They are not only Asia's excellent filmmakers but also world class. I thank them for believing in me, supporting me and helping me." Planning to wed she wore a ring on her left hand. Her fiance Jean Todt sent a congratulatory video, which made her feel very sweet. Later they will celebrate together.

The presenter Mabel Cheung Yuen Ting back then asked Yeung Chi King, an action actress who has not played a non action role, to star in the drama THE SOONG SISTERS (SUNG GA WONG CHIU). She said, "Yeung Chi King on her first day had 26 bad takes for one shot. After that she was able to face even more challenges." Corey Yuen Kwai and Sammo Hung Kam Bo joked that back then they only worked with Yeung Chi King due to pressure from boss Dickson Poon. Yuen Kwai praised Yeung Chi King's courage as she personally went through glass. "She was the boss lady, I was afraid that the boss would act up. Luckily the result was great." Hung Kam Bo said that because the boss wanted to help his girlfriend, he felt the pressure during the shoot.

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